the effect of incentives on employee performance in the public sector: a case study of uganda civil aviation authority (caa)


This study focused on establishing the effect of incentives on employee performance in CAA with the objectives of identifying the types of incentives offered to CAA employees, examining the relationship between incentives and employee performance in CAA, and examining other factors that have an effect on employee performance in CAA. Both secondary and primary data were used. The analysis was carried out using tables and frequencies. The researcher was guided by the following data collection methods; a self-administered questionnaire, interview guide, review of secondary data and focus group discussion. The results on the types of incentives available to employees of CAA indicated that there are mainly seven types of incentives offered to CAA employees. These incentives include: salary, housing, overtime, transport, mileage, paid annual leave and study leave. Furthermore, results on the relationship between employee performance and incentives indicated that there is consensus amongst technical staff, technicians and support staff on all issues concerning incentives and performance. Results revealed that there are other factors that have an effect on employee performance other than incentives and these include job satisfaction, loss of control over work, no clear goals from management, assigned creativity goals, supervisory support and job characteristics. The conclusion of the study was that in CAA, the types of incentives offered to employees are seven. There is a positive relationship between incentives and employee performance. Job satisfaction, loss of control over work, no clear goals from management, assigned creativity goals, supervisory support and job characteristics were other factors affecting employee performance other than incentives. The study recommended that employees should be accorded all incentives that are provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, there is need for continuous and regular provision of incentives to improve performance and productivity for all categories of staff, and that other factors such as job satisfaction, loss of control over work, no clear goals from management, assigned creativity goals, supervisory support and job characteristics need to be taken into consideration for enhanced employee performance in CAA.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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