contract management and sustainable supply of works in the aviation industry of uganda: a case study of civil aviation authority (caa)


The study was about contract management and sustainable supply of works in the aviation industry with Civil Aviation Authority-Uganda as the case study. It was guided by the objectives of: examining the relationship between pre-contract award activities and sustainable supply of works in Civil Aviation Authority; assessing the role of relationship management in achieving sustainable supply of works by Civil Aviation Authority; and examining the relationship between service delivery management and sustainable supply of works in Civil Aviation Authority. The relationship between the study variables was based on the agency, transaction cost and best value theories. The study adopted a phenomenological approach, a cross sectional and case study strategy integrating both qualitative and qualitative methods to investigate a sample of 80 out of the targeted population of 104 arrived at using Krejcie and Morgan’s table of sample size determination. Sampling was both probabilistic and non probabilistic that involved simple random, census, and quota sampling techniques. Collecting both primary and secondary data involved the use of self administered questionnaires, interview guides, observation and documentary review checklists as instruments. Data obtained was analysed using SPSS to yield descriptive and inferential statistics that were the basis of interpretation and drawing conclusions. Findings revealed that there was a strong positive and significant relationship between contract management and sustainable supply of works in Civil Aviation Authority since correlations between predictors of contract management i.e. pre-contract award activities, relationship management, service delivery management, and the dependent variable sustainable supply of works were r= .711, r = .695, and r = .783 respectively. With the sig. value p = 0.000 across less than 0.05 the results led to the rejection of the null hypothesis H0 and accepting the alternative H1 that is, there is a positive significant relationship between contract management and sustainable supply of works. The study recommends improvements to be made in: communication, setting collaborative structures, benchmarking sustainable supply performance, incentivizing the commitment to sustainable supply practice, clear exit strategies, among others to realise a significant improvement in sustainable supply of works in Civil Aviation Authority and the aviation sector as whole.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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