the effects of domestic violence on academic performance of children with disability: a case study in kyadondo east in wakiso district


The study was carried out on the effect of domestic violence on the academic performance of children with disability, its objectives include find out the effects of domestic violence on the academic performance of children with disability, causes of domestic violence and measures that can be implemented to address the problem. The population of the study was children with disabilities, teachers and parents and the sample size was 60 participants, children were 30, teachers 20 and parents 10 making the size of 60 people. The data collection methods included questionnaires and interview and these two methods were effectively used by the researcher to get data and the area of study was Kyadondo East. The finding of the study on the causes of domestic violence showed that mental illness, cultural beliefs, substance abuse, discrimination, poverty, lack of awareness and others, on the effects of domestic violence on academic performance include developmental and psychological damage, emotional and behavioral harms, physical pain/ injury, loss of interest in education, absenteeism, loss of self-esteem and reduces on their concentration. On the measures that can be implemented include education of the parents, assessments, guidance and counseling, arrest of the abusers, encouraging parental love, create awareness, resettlement of the victims and strengthening of the laws and policies against domestic violence. Recommendations on the first objective was to find out the causes of domestic violence from my research showed that 100% of the respondents agreed that mental illness, poverty, discrimination, substance abuse and neglect of the parents as the leading causes of domestic violence. The researcher recommended that the government should provide free medical services, counselling, creation of awareness on laws and rights of children with disabilities and provision of employment opportunities. On the second objective of the study was to find out how domestic violence greatly affect the academic performance of children with disability, findings revealed that 25% of the respondents suggested that developmental and psychological harm, emotional and behavioral harm, death and physical pain/injury were the main effects of domestic violence and the researcher recommended that the parents should treat their children equally despite their disability, on addition to that the government and community should be aware of the rights and laws governing children with disability, providing assistive devices and basic needs and services like free educational and medical services. On the third objective of the study was to suggest the measures that can be implement to address the effects of domestic violence on academic performance of children with disabilities, the finding revealed that 28.33% of the respondents suggested that there is a need to educate parents about the rights of children, assessment, guidance and counselling, arrest of the abusers, encourage parents, creation of awareness, strengthening the polices, resettlement of the victims.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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