a report on field attachiement/ internship at computing palace technologies, kampala from 28th june to 25th august


I carried out my internship at Computing palace Technologies for a period of 8 weeks in Networking, Computer maintenance and repair, Web development, Graphic designing and system development. Under Networking, I dealt with setting up, administering, maintaining and upgrading communication systems, and also local area networks and wide area networks for the organization. The activities carried out included cable termination, over view of network topologies, setting up LANS, router configuration and basic networking software installation (Cisco IOS). Under web development, the field supervisor overviewed basic understanding of web technologies (client side, server side and databases) using Wardress and MySQL. Under Graphic designing, the supervisor overviewed the basic understanding of designing a business logo, brochure, identification card, banners, flyers and business cards. Under computer maintenance and repair, I dealt with basic hardware installation (RAM, HARD DISK, POWER SUPPLY, CD-ROM), basic operating system installation and activation that is to say windows 7, 8 10 and file recovery. Under system development, I dealt with developing system projects for companies. Through work and experience I attained networking, troubleshooting, teamwork, communication skills, interpersonal skills, research skills, confidence and competence in my career field. On addition to the training, I have learnt working without supervision and time management which have positively changed me. The challenges faced include: lack of enough equipment, faulty equipment that is to say CD ROMs, RAM and crimping tool, poor internet connection, failure in troubleshooting for windows service failures, understanding new technical terms. In my conclusion Internship at Computing Palace technologies was so productive with practical hands on skills attained from different supervisors. I recommend that we as students need to be taught more of practical skills in class than theory and be given more time to practice.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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