a report on field attachment /internship at code eagles from may 28th -august 3rd, 2019


This field attachment report gives an account of all the activities that I did and how they were done during the time of doing the internship training with Code Eagles. Section One: highlights the brief introduction, gives the profile, mission, vision, aims and objectives of field attachment, it also gives, structure, mission and objectives, functions and ongoing IT projects for Code Eagles. Section Two: provides the field attachment activities done and they include Graphics designing, Networking, repair and maintenance, Embedded system development, Linux administration. Section Three gives the details of several challenges, emerging issues and the discussion of my experience while at Code Eagles. Section Four gives the recommendations for the organization, the University and describes the Conclusions drawn throughout my entire internship period. During this training, there was a surplus of skills acquired and among these were a deep and practical appreciation of the software engineer’s process, ability to work without very close supervision, work planning to beat deadlines and being a team player.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2019

Institution: YMCA Comprehensive Institute Kampala

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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