the barriers to the success of mental health care in psychiatric nurses in butabika national referral hospital in uganda


The study examined the barriers to the success of mental health care in psychiatric nurses in Butabika National Referral Hospital in Uganda”. The study has been guided by the following objectives: i) To identify the policy and legislative frameworks that are affect the success of mental health care amongst psychiatric nurses in Butabika National Referral Hospital in Uganda. ii) To examine the human resource constraints that affects the success of mental health care amongst psychiatric nurses in Butabika National Referral Hospital in Uganda. iii) To determine the health unit factors that affects the success of mental health care amongst psychiatric nurses in Butabika National Referral Hospital in Uganda. The study used a descriptive research design basing on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. In addition, the study used purposive sampling and simple random sampling methods; it used a sample size of 48 respondents but only 44 participated. The data was presented in tables, pie charts and narrative texts for responses in the interview guide. The study findings revealed that the framework is negligent on ensuring that the public and people with mental illness are accorded protection from the devastating consequences of mental illnesses; it was also indicated that there has been scarcity of professional nurses that have the required training and knowledge of mental health care. In conclusion, it was noted that there remains an on-going need for modern, accessible psychiatric services in Uganda, especially in rural areas where people still have to travel long distances to access help; additionally, mental illnesses remain widely stigmatized by lay people and those in power, as well as by some healthcare professionals. The study recommends that the Ministry of Health should have a clear strategy on training and motivation of mental health professionals as well as integration of mental health services into primary health care. It is also suggested that schools of Medicine, Psychology and Nursing should integrate a comprehensive curriculum on management of mental health cases.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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