factors contributing to suicidal attempts among the youth: a case study of mulago national referral hospital mental health department


Introduction: Globally, suicidal behavior is the leading cause of death and disability and the methods of killing ones’ self are classified basing on suicidal approaches basing on peripheral factors which are life threatening enough to fulfill the suicidal action. Problem statement: the mental health department records show that about 50 youth were admitted with suicidal ideations at Mulago National Referral Hospital mental department Purpose of study: to identify factors leading to suicidal attempts among youth in Mulago National Referral Hospital mental health unit Study design: a cross-sectional descriptive study was employed which involved both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. A simple random technique was used to pick respondents and semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: on social factors suicidal attempt was due to 20(66.7%) familial history of mental illness, 26.7% history of suicidal attempt,43.3% poor stress management, 43.3% history of torture, 40% personality disorder, the economic factors included 60% unemployment and 50% poor economic status. In conclusion, the study identified social and economic factors to be the cause of youth suicidal attempt Recommendation: the government through the ministry of health should do sensitization of the community on suicidal behaviors. Nursing implication: nurses have a big role to play in order to minimize the suicidal behavior among youth.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: mulago school of nursing and midwifery

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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