EK poultry farming project is a business project that deals in rearing of broilers for meat and layers for egg production. It is located in Kawempe municipality 15km from the Kawempe Municipality Headquarters. EK projects deals in the rearing of both layers and Broiler for meat and egg production. EK poultry projects own 500 broilers and 500 layers that are reared on 4 acres of land. EK poultry is purposely in place to boost on the nutritious needs among the population. In addition due to the frequent demand of chicken meat and eggs by the population, I decided to come up with the project to boost the demands of the population since there is inconsistence in the supply of the poultry products by competitors. EK poultry project will be undertaken using a capital of 20 million that will cater for the requirements of the project. In addition EK poultry project is a sole – proprietorship that is managed and controlled by a sole –proprietor.
Level: under-graduate
Type: plans
Year: 2022
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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Plot 3, KTS Road Makerere University after Infectious Diseases Institute