attitude of adolescents towards condom use: a case study busimbi division mityana municipality


This study was carried out in Busimbi Division, Mityana Municipality .The major purpose for the study was to find out the attitude of adolescents towards condom use. In carrying out this study, three (3) research questions were posed. The study purposely sampled 25 respondents comprising of female and male adolescents. The instruments used for data collection were the questionnaires and interview guides. The study reviewed literature on the causes of negative attitude towards condom use among adolescents, the adolescents’ thinking about condom use. Following from the qualitative nature of the research design, structured interviews and questionnaire tool were used as data collection instruments to analyze the findings. The major findings of the study revealed that, there are a number of causes of negative attitude towards condom use by adolescent which included mistrust in relationship, male’s responsibility to use condoms, religion and cultural briefs, condoms use reduce sexual pleasure and the attitude that use of condoms give raise to side effects. Therefore, the researcher recommends that adolescents’ negative attitude towards use of condoms can be solved by massive sensitization of adolescents about condom use through organizing health camp meetings, sex education, television and radio shows.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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