alcohol consumption among the youth: a case study of busimbi division, mityana municipality


This study was carried out in Busimbi Division, Mityana Municipality and the major purpose of this study was to assess the impact of alcohol consumption among the youth. The objectives that guided the study were to; find out the causes of alcohol consumption among the youth in Mityana, find out the problems faced by the youth who consume alcohol in Mityana and find out possible solutions that can help to reduce alcohol consumption among the youth in Mityana. The study was carried out using descriptive survey research design utilizing qualitative research approach. The respondents in the study included ten youths and ten local leaders. These were selected using simple random technique which gives equal opportunity to all targeted respondents. Interview guide was used to collect data from the respondents. The data gathered was presented and analyzed using frequencies, tables and percentages whereas description of the findings catered for interview data. The major findings of the study showed that the causes of alcohol consumption among the youth include: -persuasive advertising and marketing of alcohol, easy and wide accessibility for anyone including youth, the price of alcohol is low and easily affordable by the youth, alcohol policies are either non-existent or not fully implemented, boredom, lack of confidence, misinformation and family influence. The problems faced by the youth who consume alcohol include: - brain effects, growth and endocrine effects, liver effects, an excessive use of alcohol is hazardous and harmful for young people and society , heavy and frequent alcohol use may interfere with a young person’s capacity to make prosocial choices and sexual assault whereas the possible solutions that can help to reduce alcohol consumption among the youth include:- raising the price of alcohol, increasing the minimum legal drinking age, school-based prevention programs, family-based prevention programs, alcohol control policies, legislation and regulations should be developed and implemented , information-based public education and strategic information, surveillance and research. The study recommended more public health education is needed in Uganda to guide alcohol abusers as well as prevent those about to drink, PTAs School Management Committees should also be educated on the dangers of alcohol and The Food and Drugs Authority in Uganda should enforce Public Health Act which prohibits minors’ access to alcohol and other drugs.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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