The purpose of this study was to examine teachers‟ absenteeism in government aided schools. The study was. to find out the reasons for primary teachers‟ absenteeism, to find out the thinking of primary school teachers on teachers‟ absenteeism and to find out the view of pupils on teachers‟ absenteeism. The study was conducted using a cross sectional research design. The study population included four head teachers, ten teachers and six pupils totaling to twenty respondents. All the respondents were selected using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected using interview guide. It was established that teachers absent from schools due tp: - personal characteristics influence teacher absenteeism, illness, attending other administrative duties , leaves and poor leadership style of the principal. This study suggests that the teachers be fully motivated in terms of better remunerations to raise their attitude towards work. This will help eliminate absenteeism among teachers. In view of the findings, the study recommends schools to institute policy changes like that of maintaining attendance roll for teachers wherein teachers log in and out every single day. Equally introduction of biometric attendance register will be ideal to curb absenteeism. A summary of teacher attendance record should be posted on the staff noticeboards on a regular basis to reinforce the importance of this issue. It is also recommended that the Board of Management should consider awarding exemplary teacher attendance annually as well as enforcing existing sanctions fairly and consistently for the same reasons.
Level: diploma
Type: dissertations
Year: 2021
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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