The purpose of the study was to establish the causes of indiscipline in primary schools. It was conducted in selected primary schools in Ssekanyonyi sub county of Mityana District. The study was carried out using a cross-sectional survey design to investigate the attitudes, opinions and feelings as well as experiences of teachers, pupils and head teachers on the indiscipline of pupils. The parent populations for this study was the ten pupils, twenty teachers and ten head teachers of the selected primary schools in Ssekanyonyi sub county of Mityana District out of which four schools were selected purposively. The following instruments were used for data collection; the questionnaires and an interview guides .In this study, quantitative data from the questionnaires was analyzed using frequency counts and frequency tables derived from the responses to the research questions and Qualitative data from interviews was analyzed descriptively and information presented in the narrative form. In conclusion, Pupils’ discipline is of great importance on academic performance of learners in primary schools and therefore, discipline among learners in primary schools can be improve through:- use of rewards to well behaved children, setting of rules and regulations, behaviour contracting among learners, creating good teacher-pupil relationships, provision of guidance and counselling and having prefectural bodies in schools. The researcher recommended the following:- Head teachers should encourage parents to be involved in the transformation of the discipline of their children through holding termly meetings, circulars and various media, such as television and radio and strengthening guidance and counselling among children to provide a good image discipline among pupils in the school. Teachers should guide and counsel pupils to direct them on basic ways of behaviour that is acceptable in the community and should use appropriate discipline measures like rewards to avoid violent measures like kicking, caning which make pupils violent and in disciplined. The pupils should be sensitized by teachers on the values of being disciplined as this will encourage children to behave well and those who are well behaved should be recognized and rewarded on assemblies to encourage other pupils to emulate good way of behaviour.
Level: diploma
Type: dissertations
Year: 2021
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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