information resource security guideline for uganda institute of allied health and management science-mulago library


The aim of this project was to establish information resource security guideline for UIAHMSMulago library under the following objectives, to assess the status of collection at, to identify security threats to information materials, to identify various causes of information threats, to propose security guidelines for information materials at UIAHMS-Mulago library. Method of data analysis was by table formulation, pie charts and explanation of table based on data collected, Beneficiaries of the project Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Science Mulago library since information resources are secured. This project was carried out the guidance of the following project out puts to collect data; State of collection, the threats to information materials, report on various causes of information threats, report on security guidelines to be designed at UIAHMS. And the report shows that UIAHMS-Mulago library was faced with information resource threats like; theft, vandalism, financial constraint, Selfishness on the part of students, Scarcity of library materials, and Poor building. The researcher concluded Important of information resources cannot be over-emphasized, man depends on library resources for knowledge and new ideas are projected through the use of library resources. The data collected in this project revealed the various security lapses and ways library loses its materials through theft and mutilation. It was discovered that security system applied in university libraries have not been really effective, there is still much to be done in ensuring a well secured library and an opportunity for the future generation to share in the knowledge of today. It was further discovered that other contributing factors observed include limited number of copies of library materials, high cost of books and non-book materials and absence of photocopy machine in the libraries. Therefore, there is need to preserve and maintain library information materials at all cost. These project recommended UIAHMS-Mulago libraries to provide photocopying services to enable library users make quick photocopies for their need of library materials, provide adequate library materials to meet the information needs of users, provide stable and uninterrupted power supply in order to maintain the electronic security network and other ICT equipment. Impose stiff penalties should on dishonest users associated with theft, mutilation, illegal removal of library materials or vandalism, Orient users on how to effectively use library services, use electronics books, especially for high-demand, latest-edition texts: book theft will be reduced by transferring a ‘high risk’ physical item into an electronic version, use closed circuit television (CCTV) system to minimize the menace of book theft and mutilation.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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