a resource acquisition system for uganda institute of allied health management sciences mulago


Acquisition system is concerned with obtaining books and other library materials for a library or group of libraries and involves locating and acquiring the items identified as appropriate for the collection. It includes budgeting and dealing with outside agents such as library suppliers and publishers media. The purpose of this project was to design a resource acquisition system for Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Sciences Mulago to improve on the efficiency and effectiveness of acquisition of library materials. The methodology employed in this project involves a case study design and both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Purposive sampling was used and a sample size of 50 respondents chosen. Interview, observation and document analysis methods were used to collect data. The study findings revealed that mostly library materials were acquired through purchase and the most method of acquisition was through gifts as revealed from an interview conducted to the patrons. An inadequate fund was the major challenge, software requirements were lacking and there was no resource acquisition system for Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Sciences Mulago. The study concluded that library materials would be acquired through purchase, and the most method of acquisition would be through gifts, inadequate funds would be the major challenge, software requirements were lacking and there would be no resource acquisition system for Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Sciences Mulago. The study recommended that library materials should be acquired through purchase, and the most method of acquisition should be through gifts, library should be supported financially in order to curb the challenge of inadequate funds and improve on the software requirements and finally a resource acquisition system should be adopted at Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Sciences Mulago


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: apio jemimah ruth

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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