assessement of records storage and retrieval systems in the directorate of budget department at the ministry of finance planning and economic development


The major purpose of this study was to assess record storage and retrieval systems in the Directorate of Budget at MoFPED. In carrying out this study, four (4) research objectives which included to identify the records generated, to examine the current records storage and retrieval system used, to find out the challenges faced in records storage and retrieval system, to suggest solutions to improve records storage and retrieval systems in the Directorate at MoFPED from which the four research questions where generated. A sample size of five respondents was selected using purposive sampling technique involving the one senior records officer and two records assistants staff, one records clerk and the senior administrator because they were fully involved in the directorate‟s records storage and retrieval. It was qualitative in nature and data was collected using the interview and observation method. Data was analyzed and presented qualitatively. The and reliability were used to improve on the quality of data presented The major findings of the study were that, the records storage and retrieval system composed of storage equipments like metallic lockable cabinets, metallic and wooden shelves and archival boxes, box file folders, the filing systems like alphabetical, alpha-numerical and the numerical filing systems and the subject classification systems, records storage procedure and practices and it was mainly manual and it was characterized by challenges like on inadequate record storage equipments and space, lack of a disaster management plan, poorly shelved dust records management personnel thus leading to the delays in service delivery with some solutions to the challenges as suggested by respondents like allocating resources to records management, recruiting specific records officer, developing records policies and others. Basing on the study findings study was concluded that, the storage and retrieval systems at the were relatives efficient and the recommendation to improve it included more funding to the records registry, develop a comprehensive records management, a disaster management plan, recruiting more professional records officers.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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