the conservation status of economically important trees in okwang sub county in otuke district


The study was carried out in Okwang Sub County in Otuke district with the objectives of establishing the most economically important tree species and finding the conservation status of the most economically important trees of the sub county. The data was collected from 60 randomly selected respondents using interviews and questionnaires. Data collected was ranked and represented in the table.The ten most economically important tree species in Okwang Sub County were found to be vellaria paradoxa, (shea butter tree),Mangifera indicia (mango),Spahodea campanulata(mavule),Acacia abyssinic(flat top acacia), vangueria appiculata,Citrus sineensis(orange), dichrostochys cineria, magariteria discoideus, Ecalyupyus globus(eucalyptus)Phoenix reclinata(palm tree).Seven out ofthe tenof the reported economically important species were ranked as either scarce or very scarce. The study also revealed that most of these trees grow on their own in the wild and little deliberate conservation measures are taken by the community. Based on these findings, it is recommended that deliberate effort should be taken to grow and maintain the most economically important tree species that were reported in the study. The study also recommends that there should be sensitization of the local community about efficient way of tree utilization.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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