records storage and retrieval at somero uganda


The aim of the research was to assess Records Storage and Retrieval at Somero Uganda. During this study, four research objectives were focused on which included identifying records managed within the organization ,finding out methods used to store and retrieval records , to identifying challenges faced in records storage and retrieval as well as suggesting strategies for proper records storage and retrieval at Somero Uganda from which the research questions where generated. A sample size of fourteen respondents was selected using purposive sampling technique comprising of national coordinator, social workers, records manager, records assistants, counselors, skills trainers and accountant at Somero Uganda. It was qualitative in nature and data was collected using the interview, observation and document review method. Data was analyzed and presented qualitatively. The major findings of the study were records storage and retrieval at Somero Uganda involves personal, administrative, financial and medical records as kinds of records maintained with storage equipments like computers, shelves, flash disks, hard disk, cabinets and box files.The storage and retrieval systems included alphabetical and numerical filing systems,records storage policies and procedure followed, challenges faced in records storage and retrieval like loss of records, insects and rodents, records organization, computer viruses as identified by respondents and observed by the researcher and measures for proper records storage and retrieval mentioned by respondents like fumigation, updating of antivirus, planning an offsite storage, training staff and buying a generator. The study concluded that it is important to store and retrieve original records because they can be referred to act as evidence that a particular activity was carried out.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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