guidelines for improving library services at kibuli secondary school library


A study was carried out in order to develop guidelines for improving library services at Kibuli SSS Library. The objectives of the study were to; establish the current status of library services provided at Kibuli SSS Library, find out how the various library services atKibuli SSS Library are managed, identify the challenges of providing library services atKibuli SSS Library and then propose a set of guidelines for improving library services at Kibuli SSS Library.The study used a case study design. The study sampled 12 teachers, 2 librarians and 78 students.Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews conducted by the researcher. The study established that Kibuli SSS Library offered a wide range of library services which included; library orientation, reference services, circulation service, book loan services, assistance in locating library materials, exhibition and display, reading space. The study also established that the Library users are only allowed to stay with these materials for a period of two days.Librarians also use the face to face interactions with the library users to update them about the news and updates in the library, notice boards and the library’s face book page. The challenges faced in delivering the library services at Kibuli SSS Library were; poor library orientation, inadequate information materials, strict rules and regulations, un friendly librarian, small reading room, lack of a library catalogue, inadequate funds, inadequate reading room, inadequate storage space, inadequate computers in the library, and low turn up for students during orientation. The proposed guidelines for improving on the library services offered at Kibuli SSS Library included; employing qualified staff, providing more space for reading, allocating funds to the library and provision of computers and internet in the library. The study recommended that the school library should adopt the proposed guidelines to improve on the provision of library services at Kibuli SSS Library.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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