guidelines for improving library services at st. pauls’ sss bukinda library


The aim of the study was to propose guidelines for improving library services offered at St. Pauls’ SSS Bukinda Library. The objectives of the study were to; establish the current state of library services provided the existing management of these services analyse the challenges and come up with guidelines for an improved serviced delivery. The study adopted a case study research design in which the researcher used a purposive sampling method in selecting the library staff and teachers and stratified sampling for the students. Out of a school population of 622 persons, only 76 were sampled for this study and these included 62 students, 12 teachers and 2 librarians. Findings from the study showed that the school library had been overwhelmed with the increasing student population which it could not effectively serve within the existing school budget. The was also confirmed with the cited challenges such as lack of current reading materials, lack of professional librarians, lack of sitting facilities and the restricted reading hours. The study therefore proposed guidelines on the effective use of information resources, review of the library programs, and extension of the library operating hours and use of volunteers for certain periods for an improved service delivery. The researcher therefore concluded that for an in-house organisation of the information resources, with staff that are highly motivated through various developmental programs can be of great help in improving the librarian’s productivity through serving a large student population.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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