The study aimed at designing guidelines for improving provision of Library Services in St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso. The study was guided by objectives which included: to establish the current status of library services provided at St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso, to find out the available information services, to identify the challenges of providing library services and to come up with guidelines for improving provision of Library Services at St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso. The study adopted simple random, purposive, case study, qualitative data analysis approach and three data collection methods which included questionnaire, interview and observation. The study targeted population was 142 from which a sample size of 70 was selected and included 2 librarians and 68 students. The study findings show that the current status of library service provision at St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso is poor. The study identified the challenges facing the library service provision in St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso include; limited and irrelevant collection, Inadequate reading space, Inadequate furniture and inadequate funds. The challenges in providing library services were also elicited from the study and these included; poor technology infrastructure, less interest in library materials, unrecognized library values, inadequate library budget, time wasting and political system hindrances among others. The study concluded that the challenges faced in providing library services are mainly attributed due to the absence of formulated guidelines for improving provision of Library Services in St. Augustine‟s College Library Wakiso. Consequently, basing on the study findings, the researcher recommends that there should be adopting of the proposed guidelines suggested in chapter 5 in order to improve the provision of library services. The researcher also recommends the following training of library staff, digitization of library materials, acquisition of more computers, allocation of enough funds to the library department and conducting of library orientation.
Level: under-graduate
Type: dissertations
Year: 2019
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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