an internship report on the activities done at kisugu health centre iii done between june and august 2014


My internship according to my placement in the hospital was to acquire skills (practical) as related to the course of public health I was pursuing or undertaking. I was to acquire skills as according to the different activities in the hospital, how to handle several people who are of different cultures, backgrounds, origins and how to handle life issues outside school. The public health activities that I carried out included voluntary testing and counseling for anyone who came for the service especially the expectant mothers with their husbands. health education for the teenagers and also OPD patients, immunization, taking BP and weights for the patients and lastly giving patients form 5 after their details have been written on it, opening files for the new l-IIV patients and updating the old positively living patients in the HMIS register book supplied by ministry of health, condom distribution and sensitization on how they are used, booking of expectant mothers for antenatal care while recording on the antenatal cards, genuine health education of mothers on the proper breast feeding and nutrition, family planning and proper sanitation, RDT for malaria and HIV, administering of drugs, updating of the stock cards and filling of tally sheets for the store, advising of males to opt for safe male circumcision and also community health education on disease prevention. Through all the above mentioned activities, I was able to learn skills like counseling, management and also interpersonal, associating with different cultural backgrounds, drug administration, keeping confidentiality and also respect of autonomy of the patients. Not only did I gain from my internship placement but also were some challenges like the internship time was not enough in order to gain experience in the several activities I was involved in at Kisugu health centre iii, limited work space and resources and few staff at the health centre.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2014


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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