motivational strategies and health worker performance in nebbi hospital, nebbi district


The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of motivation strategies on health worker performance in Nebbi hospital. The researcher operationalize motivation to Involvement, Recognition and feedback. The study was guided by three objectives. The first objective was to establish the influence of involvement on health worker performance. The second objective was to determine the influence of recognition on health worker performance and lastly to establish the influence of feedback on health worker performance. Health worker performance was looked at in terms of duty attendance, quality work, meeting deadlines and job sustainability and retention as well. Related literature was reviewed, objective by objective. The study adopted cross-sectional study design. The researcher collected both qualitative and quantitative data using questionnaire survey method and interview method, employing the questionnaire and interview guide respectively. Purposive sampling was adopted to ensure the validity of the data collected in some areas. Statistical data was analyzed using tables. Descriptive statistics were presented in form of frequencies and percentages. The results of the study confirmed that motivation in terms of health worker involvement, recognition and feedback were crucial to health worker performance in Nebbi hospital. In conclusion, the researcher recommended that the management of Nebbi hospital should adopt and employ the available motivation strategies if expected health worker performance is to be attained and maintained.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: islamic university in uganda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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