factors influencing intimate partner emotional violence among women aged 40-49 in uganda


The study was aimed at investigating factors influencing Intimate partner emotional violence among women aged 40-49. The factors were both socio economic and demographic (age group, residence, marital status, wealth quintile, religion and education level) and it also included partners control behaviors, alcohol consumption and respondent afraid of husband/partner. The methodology used the quantitative approach with descriptive correlation design that was used to determine the association between IPEV and socio economic and demographic factors and also the partners’ behaviors and alcohol consumption. It was found out that all the above factors influence IPEV with marital status, alcohol consumption and all the partners’ behaviors being highly associated with IPEV. Family related programs, strict laws, cancelling and guidance programs, empowering women socially and economically, reforming legal frameworks and also improving existing laws and their implementation should be put in place in order to reduce IPEV in Uganda.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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