evaluation of acquisition practices in polytechnic libraries in southeast nigeria


This study evaluated the acquisition practices in Polytechnic Libraries in South Eastern zone of Nigeria. Six research questions guided the study. An evaluative survey design was adopted in carrying out the study. The total population for this study was three hundred and thirty (330) lecturers and thirty seven librarians (37), but two hundred and ninety eight (298) lecturers and all the librarians were sampled. The major instrument for data collection was questionnaire. A total of three hundred and thirty (330) copies of questionnaires were distributed to lecturers, 298 copies were returned, representing 90.3%. On the other hand, 37 copies of questionnaires were distributed to the librarians and all were returned. Data was analyzed using frequency tables, simple percentages and means scores. From the analysis, the findings revealed that the most adequate information resources in the libraries under study are books (textbooks). The result also shows that information materials are acquired mainly by gifts and purchase. The study revealed that information materials such as books, journals, and reference materials are more current than other information materials in the library and that collection development policy is available but encompasses only the area of acquisition. Out dated materials, resistance to change, worn out materials, inadequate professionals/Librarians, lack of cooperation from parent organization, problem of storage facilities, lack of funds, lack of collection development policy and duplication of titles are some of the major problems encountered in developing library collections. Based on the research findings, it was recommended that libraries should have a written collection development policy that will embrace acquisition,selection,weeding,gifts and exchanges, there should be constant staff training/orientation, librarians should consult with lecturers in order to get information on the institutions curriculum thus acquiring materials that will suit the curriculum, employment of qualified librarians, provision of space for Polytechnic libraries to enable them have archives where they can deposit outdated materials. The study concluded that adequate and efficient evaluation of acquisition practices and collection development in Polytechnic and academic libraries at large would effectively support librarians, lecturers and students research output.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2011

Institution: university of nigeria, nsukka

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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