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an assessment of the level of adoption of disruptive technologies in academic libraries in kenya: a case study of the mahatma gandhi graduate research library, university of nairobi, kenya.
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: library
Author: nzioki, richard, n

Academic libraries across the globe are vital entities based at the heart of universities to support knowledge production, information resources sharing and dissemination to meet the educational, research and teaching needs. Most libraries have for long adopted the use of ICTs in their operation and provision of library services. However, the frequent evolution and the disruptive nature of these technologies has continued to transform and disrupt the entire information management ecosystem in which academic libraries fall in. The study aimed at assessing the level of adoption of disruptive technologies in academic libraries with reference to the Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Research Library, University of Nairobi. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the library staff perceptions on the use of available disruptive technologies; to establish the extent of adoption of disruptive technologies at this library; to find out the library staff capacities in the use disruptive technologies; to examine ICT infrastructure supporting adoption of disruptive technologies at the library; to propose appropriate strategies for the adoption and utilization of disruptive technologies in academic libraries in Kenya. The study used the qualitative research design and purposive sampling technique where a sample size of 11 respondents consisting of the library staff, University of Nairobi library management, and ICT staff was selected. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic which prevented physical meetings, interview guides were administered to all respondents through telephone calls, video conferencing. Qualitative research approach was applied to analyze, interpret, and discuss data collected through interview guides. The findings from the research showed that: Library staff perceptions were positive on the use of disruptive technologies. The library has adopted and uses some of the available disruptive technologies although it has not adopted the newer technologies in the market. Majority of the library staff were competent, well trained, and skilled on the use of the disruptive technologies adopted at this library although not all the technologies adopted were fully utilized. The library has put in place an ICT infrastructure to support adoption of disruptive technologies, however it can not support newer technologies. In conclusion, it was noted that adequate financial resources were needed to support adoption of newer technologies and train staff. Carry out more benchmarking activities overseas on new technologies as well as employ more ICT staff.

management of cyber fraud in commercial banks in kenya: a case of chase bank
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: sociology
Author: nyamwaro, n. bonareri

Kenya is experiencing a growing number of Cyber fraud that threaten national security Information communications and technology infrastructure as well as citizens privacy.The objective of the study was to establish the management of Cyber fraud in commercial banks in kenya.The specific objectives of the study were to find out the forms of Cyber fraud by commercial banks, to establish the challenges faced by commercial banks in managing Cyber fraud , to evaluate the effect of preventive measures in curbing Cyber fraud in Kenyan commercial banks. The units of analysis was Cyber fraud and units of observation was management staff of the bank. The study employed qualitative approach and Primary data was obtained by census method, while secondary data was obtained through various publications referenced .Data was measured and has been presented in frequency tables, graphs and percentages.The study observes that a strong system of internal control is the most efficient way of fraud prevention and technological infrastructure has a major effect on prevention of Cyber fraud . The study concludes that commercial banks in Kenya faced various forms of Cyber fraud like Cyber fraud spam, phishing and password sniffers to great extents.The study recommends that banks should implement systems and structures that reduce the opportunities for Cyber fraud. Besides strengthening internal control systems and structures, banks can use ICT tools to reduce opportunities or instill punitive measures for employee’s engaging in fraud related incidences.

performance and literary exploration of the nduumo ceremony among the agikuyu community in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: literature
Author: ndung'u, mary, m

The focus of this research is on the nduumo performance. It first appeared in early 1920s among the Giküyü community. The goal of the research was to determine what elements may have contributed to the nduumo genre's survival after other traditional genres had vanished. The study's main focus is on analyzing style and literary strategies, as well as features of performance and aesthetic values, as manifested in the compositions of selected performing artists. Nevertheless, our conclusions are bolstered by an examination of numerous musical compositions and listening to recorded cassettes on nduumo. The observations, comments, and arguments of the sources contributed to a better knowledge of Agikuyu socio-cultural family values and practices in nduumo performance. The research shows that nduumo performance employs a variety of stylistic strategies, including sarcasm, satire, metaphor, simile, metonymy, and structural elements such as repetition, parallelism, tonal patterns, and rhyme. This research shows that these technologies are used to communicate literary ideas in the community and society. For the conduct of an oral performance, stylistic and extra-literary characteristics are essential. Oral artists are the voice of the Giküyü and its adjacent people, such as the Embu, Meru, and Kamba, who value their cultural heritage. In order to discover the literariness in nduumo performance, ethnopoetics, functionalism, and performance techniques are used as guiding lights. This initiative proves that oral literature is not going away; it is a way of documenting historical and educational events that are still relevant and popular in today's culture. It demonstrates that in human society, performances and society are inextricably linked.

implications of small arms and light weapons (salw) proliferation on personal security in the horn of africa region: a case study of garissa county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: diplomacy
Author: lung’ung’u, stephanie

The destruction brought about by the use and indeed misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) has been described the world over as one of the most egregious occurrences in the human experience. SALW continue to present as a major global threat to peace and security, various regions of the world share challenges brought on by SALW proliferation, the Horn of Africa and Great Lakes Regions are recognized as infamous where the above issue is concerned. These regions consist of the following countries: Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania. The above-mentioned regions and states therein maneuver through various volatilities which predispose them to vulnerabilities of violent conflict as a result of: ethnicization of politics, poor governance, unequitable distribution of social benefits, unsustainable access and control to key natural and state resources in addition to other obstacles. The objective of this research was to expound upon the implications of proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) on the personal security situation in Garissa County. Which has in the past and even presently experienced violence relating to Small Arms and Light Weapons use, due to clan-based conflicts, politicization of issues, violent extremism, marginalization and other conflicts over access to limited natural resources to sustain their herds and communities as observed in the study. Therefore, the study established an interconnection between personal security challenges and the continued proliferation, availability and use of illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons, which in turn are an obstacle to human security. There have been various control measures employed in combating illicit SALW proliferation which include: border policing and surveillance, amnesty and voluntary surrender of illicit SALW, disarmament, sensitization programmes and the implementation of the Nairobi Protocol. Despite the above efforts there are challenges faced in addressing illicit SALW proliferation, occurring at the national and regional levels such as resource and personnel constraints, institutional capacity issues, coordination issues between National Focal Points, regional organizations and states. Ultimately, illicit SALW threaten livelihoods, the well-being and development of a society. To counter this, requires continued sensitization in collaboration with key stakeholders as well as, reinforcement of the capabilities and capacity of those involved in the process of managing and controlling illicit SALW in Garissa County and Kenya as a whole. This study utilized a descriptive research design, with the Regional Security Complexes Theory anchoring the study. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires and interviews with secondary data being sourced from books, journals, articles, newspapers and other authoritative online sources of information. The data was analyzed by use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20, the use of diagrams such as tables and figures aided in the presentation of the findings of this study.

impact of sacco societies regulatory authority regulations on the financial performance of savings and credit co-operative societies in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: jumba, henry m

SACCOS in Kenya faced a number of challenges in their attempt to meet their performance targets. SASRA Act and the accompanying regulations were thus seen as a cure to many challenges affecting the SACCO sector. Despite the intended effect of the regulations, SACCOS still face a number of challenges. Considering that SASRA has embraced CAEL (capital adequacy, asset quality, earnings and liquidity) model in rating financial performance of SACCOS, it would be prudent to assess these specific parameters in order to establish their effect on financial performance of SACCOS. This study strives to assess the impact of SASRA regulations on financial performance of SACCOS. The study used descriptive study approach and involved all the 175 SASRA registered SACCOS through census sampling technique from which secondary data on financial parameters of SACCOS after implementation of the regulations (2016-2020) and before the establishment (2004-2008) were obtained. The study used SPSS version 26 as the platform for data analysis. The data was analysed through time series approach as well as descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation). The study found that after the implementation of the SASRA regulations most of the SACCOS upon adherence to the prescribed regulations performed better financially as assessed through ROA when compared to when the SACCOS were operating before the implementation of the SASRA regulations. The study concludes that SACCOS which adhere to SASRA regulations record good return on assets than when operating without SASRA regulations. The study therefore recommends that management of SACCO societies should consider optimal and strict adherence to all the SASRA regulations for good financial performance of the societies. The policy makers in the ministry concerned should design appropriate directives that allow SACCOS to optimally adhere to SASRA regulations for their own financial stability and good performance.

a time series analysis of agricultural output and economic growth in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: economics
Author: langat, karen c

Agricultural productivity in many countries in Africa is predicted to greatly impact economic growth since it is the mainstay of the majority of the people. Nevertheless, the effect of output from agriculture on growth of an economy has borne diverse research interests with different findings from one nation to another. In this research, we seek to determine how agricultural output influences economic growth in Kenya using the VECM employing data between 1970 and 2017. Results from the study established that generally, agriculture, industry, service output, and capital formation are relevant to predict changes in GDP. The study results also indicate that in the short run, agricultural production positively influences growth but has no long run effect. Hence, agriculture productivity is significant in the primary phases of economic development. From the findings of the study, it is evident that agriculture facilitates economic progression in the short run and ought to be reinforced by macro strategies in due course to be positively affecting the economy in the long run.

logistics management strategy and the performance of the petroleum industry in the east african community
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: molete, kennedy

The petroleum industry has a great opportunity of increasing its productivity owing to the increased global demand for oil. However, this increased demand for oil has made the management part of the supply chain and especially logistics more complex. The petroleum industry continues to suffer challenges relating to logistics management that is not present in many other sectors. The purpose of the research was to assess the relationship between logistics management strategy and performance of petroleum industry in the East African Community. The study adopted the adopted the descriptive research design that is used in explaining the current situation regarding the study variables. The target population was six nations in the East African community, namely South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania Kenya, Republic of Uganda, Rwanda, the Republics of Burundi. Data analysis was based on qualitative approach using Nvivo software version 12. The study found that adoption of effective logistic strategy in the petroleum industry is a critical step seeking to ensure that the vital product is effectively and timely supplied to all regions in the country. The regulators had the mandate of ensuring that petroleum supply companies are capable of achieving goals linked to economic that are short term and be proactive in supplying petroleum products to consumers as required. Effective logistic channels ensure that the vital products are supplied to consumers at timely and at affordable prices. Some of the product based strategies include innovative oil based products targeting various industry sectors like manufacturing and production, automotive and agricultural sector. The petroleum products should be tailored to serve the needs of the customers and environmentally friendly. The study concludes that effective logistic strategy in the petroleum industry is a critical step seeking to ensure that the vital product is effectively and timely supplied to all regions in the country. The study recommends doe coordinated management of the petroleum logistic supply management system supported by technological integration of key parties in the system. The study also recommends collaborative coordination of petroleum supply chain by including all key parties in decision making. The parties include petroleum processing companies, petroleum supply companies, government, retailers and consumers. The East African governments, with the understanding of how logistics management strategy affects performance of the petroleum sector may need to come up with joint polices that harmonize the logistics strategies in the petroleum industry. The policies may be implemented in respective countries through the petroleum regulating associations.

factors influencing quality of residential buildings projects: a case of kasarani constituency in nairobi county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: project planning
Author: kimaru, kennedy k

In the last three decades, the buildings industry has experienced challenges of quality which are complex and different. The buildings industry in Kenya has been associated with disruptions in quality therefore causing cost and time problems. Many of the quality challenges are a product of inadequate planning. In Kenya, there have been reports of poor administration of residential buildings projects, a superfluous surge in project usage lacking organization and budgetary arrangements, and exorbitant project management. Unsafe residential buildings have become rampant in the recent past, especially in the Nairobi Metropolitan region. The purpose of the study was to assess the factors which influence quality of residential buildings projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. The following specific objectives guided the research; to assess the influence of construction equipment, project funding, project management, and modern technology on quality of residential buildings projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design targeting practitioners in the residential building industry including Architects, Civil and Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Land Surveyors, Quantity Surveyors, Construction Project Managers and Private Developers. The sample size was 385 respondents, and the non-probability sampling technique was used in the study. Data collection in the study was done by administering questionnaires and carrying out interviews. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency, means, percentage and standard deviation, were used to interpret the data. A regression analysis was conducted in order to show how construction equipments, project funding, project management and modern technology influence quality of residential buildings projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. There was a positive and significant relationship between construction equipment (r=0.695, p-value <0.05) and quality of residential building projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. There was a positive and significant correlation between project funding (r=0.831, p-value <0.05) and quality of residential building projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. There was a positive and significant relationship between project management (r=0.776, p-value <0.05) and quality of residential building projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. There was a positive and significant relationship between modern technology (r=0.743, p-value <0.05) and quality of residential building projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. This implied that the nature of construction equipment, the level of project funding and project management as well as the level of application of modern technology were positive determinants of quality of residential building projects in Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County. The recommendations are that the right construction equipment should be used in the construction of residential buildings. Competent project managers should be engaged in order to manage the construction of residential buildings. Clients and contractors should have enough cash flow in order to execute projects. Appropriate technologies such as Building Information Modelling should be adopted quickly in the residential buildings sector in order to minimize errors, and improve quality of works. The study recommends that a similar study should be carried out in other Constituencies in the Country since this study was only limited to Kasarani Constituency of Nairobi County.

strategy implementation, interest rates capping and performance of commercial banks in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: gatetua, kennedy m

The study objective of this study was to determine the effect of interest rate capping on the relationship between strategy implementation and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The theoretical foundation for this study was cognitive theory, evolution theory and Resource based view theory. This investigation utilized a descriptive design and cross sectional survey. The target population for the study constituted of the remaining forty (40) commercial banks and one (1) licensed mortgage financial institution with branches in Mombasa County, Kenya. Due to the size of the population for the study, a census survey approach was adopted for study sample size. Therefore, the sample for the study was all the management level employees in all the commercial banks in Mombasa. Data collection tool was structured questionnaire. To summarize the data, descriptive statistics were used. The study adopted Baron and Kenny (1986) threestep regression model to establish the effect of interest rate capping on the relationship between strategy implementation and performance of commercial banks. iThe study found that Strategy implementation is statistically significant to performanceiof commercialibanks iniMombasa County.iThe studyifurther revealed that Strategy implementation had significant positive relationshipiwith performanceiof commercialibanks iniMombasa County. Theistudy alsoifound thatiupon introductioniof interest rate capping, strategy implementation is mediated by interest rate capping significantly, influencing performance oficommercial banksiin MombasaiCounty negatively. Theistudy concludes that increasing the mediating effect of interest rate capping on strategy implementation will lead to decrease in performance oficommercial banksiin MombasaiCounty.iThe study recommendsimanagement of the commercialibanksito conduct in-depth research on the strategies that can be implemented in their organizations to increase its performance. The study also recommends banks to establish organizational culture that will boost its performance; commercialibanks iniKenya shouldiadopt aniadjustable andidynamic organizationaliculture soias toiensure successfulistrategy implementation.iTheibanks can also embrace Reward and Recognition system that will motivate employees therefore increasing their performance which will in turn increase the performance of the bank. The government to review the policies on interest rate capping to ensure they are favorable to both the bank and its customers; this will increase performance of the bank and therefore increase general performance of the country’s economy.

retention strategies of organizational knowledge in academic institutions in kenya: the case of vision institute of professionals
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: library
Author: njuiri, alice n

The aim of this study was to examine the organizational knowledge retention mechanisms in Kenyan academic institutions, namely the Vision Institute of Professionals. Specifically, the researcher will find out understanding of Knowledge Retention concept by management, identify any form of knowledge retention approach at VIP, identify technologies applied in Knowledge Retention and propose a knowledge retention framework for VIP. A review of relevant literature based on the study's goals was conducted. The descriptive research design was used in the research, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. The study was conducted at the Vision Institute of professionals among the directors, head of departments, assistant head of departments, administration staff, and the academic staff. The study used a purposive sampling strategy to get a representative size of 30 participants from a population of 82 employees. For data gathering, the researcher used open-ended interviews and questionnaires. With ten participants, a pilot study for this topic was done at Nairobi Institute of Business Studies (NIBS). Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS and displayed in tables and charts using descriptive statistical analysis of frequencies and percentages. The qualitative data was evaluated using a content data assessment approach and provided verbatim based on the identified themes from the goals. The study's results revealed that the majority of respondents had a modest degree of awareness of information retention techniques. It was further established that technologies such as websites, external hard drives and emails were used in knowledge retention. The study recommends that the institutions of higher learning should put in place enough and adaptable knowledge retention strategies for their employees.




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