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effect of selected macro-economic variables on the financial performance of deposit-taking savings and cooperative societies sector in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: mirieri, christa k

Financial performance is a domain of management which has remained and will continue to be the focus of management executives and scholars for a long time to come because of its centrality in the life of an organization. Because of the importance attached to financial performance, great attempts have been made to understand it over time in terms of factors that contributes to its realization or none realization. The relationship existing between macroeconomic factors and firms performance is a subject that has interested many scholars and practitioners. Often times, it is proved that a firm’s performance is dictated by some basic macroeconomic variables like rate of interest, economic growth, money supply, exchange rate and inflation. The objective of this study was to determine how selected macro-economic variables influence financial performance of DT-SACCOs in Kenya. The predictor variables were economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rates and money supply. Financial performance was the response variable that the study intended to explore and it was given by ROA of the DT-SACCOs on a quarterly basis. The study was guided by three theories namely; modern portfolio theory, the international fisher effect theory and arbitrage pricing theory. A ten year period (2010-2019) was chosen for the study and the quarterly data from the period collected from a secondary source. A descriptive design was chosen and analysis was made using the multiple linear regression model to determine how the selected variables relate. SPSS version 23 was utilized for analysis. From the results from the software used, the R-square value was 0.529 which can be translated to mean that 52.9% of the variations in financial performance of DT-SACCOs are attributable to the five selected independent variables and the 47.1 percent remainder are attributable to other factors beyond the scope of this research. The study also revealed a strong relationship between predictor variables and financial performance (R=0.728). ANOVA results at 5% significance level show an F statistic of 7.648 hence the model was found fit to explain financial performance of DT-SACCOs. Additionally, the results showed that individually, economic growth, interest rate and inflation rate are statistically significant factors affecting financial performance while exchange rate and money supply do not substantially determine financial performance of DT-SACCOs. The recommendation made by the study was that more focus should be placed by policy makers to the current levels of interest rates, economic growth and inflation rates since they significantly influence financial performance of DT-SACCOs.

an analysis of communication dynamics in workplace conflict management dialogues: the case of civil society organisations in nairobi county.
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: communication studies
Author: ambunya, leunorah,a

This study sought to analyse communication dynamics in workplace conflict management dialogues within Civil Society Organisations in Nairobi County. The objectives of the study comprised; to investigate communication hurdles that necessitate the use of dialogue in workplace conflict management; to establish the different types of dialogue in workplace conflict management; to explore the factors that influence the main communication dynamics in workplace conflict management dialogues and to establish the conditions necessary for constructive dialogue in workplace conflict management. The coordinated management of meaning theory was used to illuminate the understanding of communicative actions during these dialogues. The spiral of silence theory was used to expound on why and how silence is used during workplace conflict management dialogues. The study design was descriptive, and the research approach was qualitative. To collect primary data, the researcher conducted key informant interviews using an interview schedule. Informants were purposefully selected based on the inclusion-exclusion criteria. The data was analysed thematically using Lanigan’s simplified three-step qualitative data analysis method and presented in the form of narratives. Confidentiality, adherence to University of Nairobi research regulations as well as other ethical considerations were observed. The findings of this study showed that within Civil Society Organisations in Nairobi County, passive communicative actions like silence derailed the dialogue process whereas communicative actions like empathic listening aided in achieving a desirable outcome. The findings also intimated that dialogue is preferred in managing workplace conflicts for its suitability in maintaining workplace relationships, but its use is usually informal as it is not ingrained in the workplace conflict management policies. Gender too was a factor that influenced the dialogue process. This study concluded that workplace conflicts can be managed best using dialogue when the dialoguers are cognizant of the communication dynamics taking place and the factors influencing them. This study recommends that workplace conflict management dialogue be considered as one of the official ways of managing workplace conflicts.

the impact of financial inclusion on monetary policy. the case of east africa
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: economics
Author: muchoki, esther w

The study examined the impact of financial inclusion on monetary policy in East Africa countries. Notably, the three countries included Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the impact of financial inclusion, bank lending rates, GDP per capita growth and money supply on monetary policy. The study was based on public good theory, systems theory and Keynes’s theory of monetary policy. The study used secondary data from IMF and World Bank. The study utilized a cross country panel design to get aggregate observations across the East Africa countries under the study. The descriptive statistics was tested before subjecting the data for regression analysis to provide an overview of the study variables. Based on the correlation result, it was found that financial inclusion, GDP per capita growth and money supply were negatively correlated with the Inflation rate. However, bank lending rates was positively associated with the inflation rate. The regression results showed that financial inclusion was negatively and significantly related to the inflation rate (β=-6.24367, p=0.0000). Further, GDP per capita growth was negatively and significantly related to the inflation rate (β=-0.66537, p=0.044). Likewise, money supply growth was negatively and insignificant related to inflation (β=-0.06984, p=0.467). Finally, the banks’ lending rates had a positive relationship with the inflation rate (β=0.6129486, p=0.006). The study concluded that financial inclusion, GDP per capita growth and bank lending rates were significant in determining the monetary policy. The policy implications are that government needs to improve financial inclusion and GDP per capita growth. The expansion of formal financial services to reach millions of underserved and underserved adults will help Kenya achieve its goal of poverty reduction and continued dynamic growth, advancing to the vision of prosperity. Financial inclusion brings about more economic well-being to individuals and small and medium enterprises. There is a need to enhance consumer protection and financial literacy to help individuals be better equipped with modern financial services.

effect of treasury bill rates on stock market returns of companies listed in the nairobi securities exchange
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: harunani, yasir

A country’s monetary policy dictates the amount of cash available for government expenditure or repayment of external debt. A reduction in money supply would trigger open market operations that enables the government to obtain the cash that it requires and one of the securities that can be used is Treasury Bills. Theoretically, Treasury bills are considered lucrative for risk averse investors hence being a competing security to the stock market. The aim of this paper was to understand the impact of Treasury bill rate on stock return of companies listed in the NSE. The research design employed was descriptive correlation design. Population was made up of companies trading at the NSE for duration of 4 years (January 2015 to December 2018). A sample of 20 companies that make up the NSE-20 index was purposively chosen and data used was secondary. Multiple linear regression carried out on the data to comprehend the relation between the variables. The study controlled for effect of exchange rates and inflation rate. Tests of significance were carried out on the data. The study noted that Treasury bill rate had a negative influence on stock market returns. Exchange rate was noted to have a positive influence on stock market returns. It was also noted that inflation rate had a negative effect on stock market returns. The coefficient of determination was found to be 24%. Analysis of variance identified Treasury bill rate, exchange rate and inflation rate collectively significantly influenced stock market returns at the 5% level of significance. The study reached the conclusion that Treasury bill rate and stock market return for listed firms are significantly inversely related and are competing investment products. It also concluded that increases exchange rate caused stock returns to increase significantly. Further, the study concluded that increase in inflation rate caused stock market returns to decrease but the decrease was not significant. Finally it was concluded that variation in T-bill rate, exchange rate and consumer price index explained 24% of the variation in stock market return. The study recommended that investors and portfolio managers should tilt their portfolio allocation towards stocks when there is an expectation of T-bill rate to go down and toward T-bill when there is an expectation of T-bill rate to rise. The study also recommended increasing exposure to the stock market when exchange rates are rising as the stock market is expected to perform better in these periods. In addition the study recommends selling of stocks when the inflation rate is expected to be rising to avoid loss in expected returns. Finally, the study recommended higher T-bill rate by the Central banks’ monetary policy when seeking to reduce liquidity in the market. Further research may focus on investigating the mechanism through which Central Bank monetary policy is transmitted to the stock market. Researchers may also seek to evaluate the role of monetary policy in securities market development especially for developing economies.

the role of women organisations in environmental conservation in nandi county
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: women studies
Author: sawe, eva c

In many regions within third world countries, women have formed organizations in response to their common problems. Though other groups came into being due to external initiatives like the church and non-governmental organizations, they all aimed at enabling women to achieve/attain advancement and improve on environmental conservation.This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on the role of women organizations in environmental conservation. Specifucally, the study set out to establish influence of culture,genderpolicy, resource mobilisation and socio-economic factors on environmental conservation. Guided by the ecofeminism theory, data was collected through a questionnaire and analysed through descriptive statistics using SPSS. The findings indicate that culture,genderpolicy,resource mobilisation and socio-economic factors influence environmental conservation . The study concludes that socioeconomic factors influence environmental conservation most. The study recommendsenvironmental advocacy bodies and non-government organizations (NGOs) should promote and enable this conversation. Different religious denomination should be motivated to develop common policies on environmental values benefiting every denomination; even including deeply-preserved traditions and respect for sacred sites of every denomination even the indigenous ones.

human resource plan implementation and project performance at konza technopolis development authority
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: ngondi, damaris m

Implementation of the human resource plan ensures development of the project team which can make the differences between the project success and failure. Lack of the implementation of the human resource plan in the organization or ineffectiveness and inefficiency of the human resource plan have become a major problem in most project‟s performance in Kenya, thus the motivation of the study. The study intended to establish the effect of human resource plan implementation on project performance at Konza Technopolis Development Authority. The study was guided by the resource-based view, the human capital theory and the dynamic capability theory. The study adopted a case study in this case, KoTDA was the case of the study. The study used primary data with the use of an interview guide as a data collection and other document review. The researcher collected data from 15 heads of departments/ divisions representing 15 respondents. The collected data were edited, organized to meaningful way and were analyzed and presented in by using qualitative research procedures. Qualitative method constituted of content analysis which was used to extract key themes, concepts and augments. The major findings show that the human resource plan is partially implemented at KoTDA due to the challenges of the inadequate budget and resources at the disposal of the authority. It was established that succession plan, recruitment and retention, sufficient number of employees, employees‟ skills and capabilities and appraisal tool are some of the elements that have been incorporated in the human resource plan at KoTDA that are greatly influencing the project performance. The finding revealed elements that need to be included in the human resource plan that will influence project performance are reward scheme and bonus plan, compensation plan, excellence awards plans and transfer of skills plans especially for projects that are implemented through foreigners and Exchange programmes both locally and internationally. KoTDA has also been able attract and retain highly skilled work force due to the implementation of the human resource plan, promoted employee productivity and attracted and retained employees, training and capacity building and the succession element has led to knowledge transfers hence leading attraction of over 300 foreign and local investors to the KoTDA. The study concluded that human resource plan implementation has a strong relationship with project performance. Thus, effective human resource plan implementation supported with adequate budget and resources will lead to successful project performance and ineffective human resource plan implementation will lead to poor project performance. The study recommended that effective human plan implementation requires adequate budget and resources, and inclusion of key human resource needs and review of the performance of the project with the implemented elements of the human resource plan for an improved project performance

conflict prevention and management in africa: role of track two diplomacy in kenya.
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: conflict management
Author: omollo, daniella a

This study focused on track II diplomacy in conflict prevention and management in Africa; and specifically in Kenya. Objectives of the study included examining how track II diplomacy has led to conflict prevention and management in Africa, to find out how track II diplomacy has helped in preventing and managing conflict in Kenya and assessing the key challenges and future prospects of track II diplomacy in managing conflicts in the continent. The study was founded on liberal theory. Survey research design was adopted. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires directed at different non-state actors like the civil societies, media, private citizens and non-governmental institutions. The data collected was then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in line with the study objectives. Findings established that track II diplomacy has broadly been employed in Africa, with notable countries including Mozambique, South Africa, DRC and Kenya. The employment of track II diplomacy in the enlisted states involved the use of non-state members such as religious leaders, youth leaders, influential business people, local NGOs and members of the international community. Application of track II diplomacy helped to restore order amongst adversaries, helped to voice the demands of victims, addressed the concerns of affected communities and facilitated justice for individuals in the community by bringing perpetrators of the war to book. In Kenya, notable conflicts necessitating the use of track II diplomacy included the 2007-2008 post-election violence, 2017 violence, conflicts amongst the pastoralist communities in Baringo and Turkana and conflicts at the border between Kenya and Somali. The use of track II diplomacy helped in opening and improving channels of communication, changing attitudes of conflicting parties about the “other”, restoring relationships by building trust, offering new opportunities for negotiation, changing the dynamic of conflict by strengthening voices of moderation and building stable infrastructure of peace. Challenges facing track II diplomacy as identified in this study included introduction of ‘wrong’ diplomats, introduction of right diplomats but with limited influence on policy formulation, changing of sides by diplomats, changing of the peace keeping environment and the dismissal of the efforts of track II diplomats in the official negotiation processes. The researcher concluded that track II diplomacy has been very important in managing and preventing conflicts in Africa, together with track I and other peace keeping processes.

the role of leadership and governance on human development in africa: the case of kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: international studies
Author: rugi, davidson m

The role and importance of governance wherever human populations exist cannot be overstated. It is not easy to dispute that Africa’s problem of poor human development is, to a great extent, one largely caused by poor governance. How a country is governed plays a critical role on whether the people within its jurisdiction will be empowered or disempowered by the leadership, and whether such a country will conduct its affairs through the modus operandi of all stakeholders in mobilization on the one hand, or an elitist clique that dances to the tune of the ruling elite on the other. Africa’s international relations context is bereft with a governance and leadership dent that has largely consigned the continent to a second fiddle role as far as human development and effective agency in international relations is concerned. This study posits leadership that complies with good governance constitutes a critical factor for enabling human development in Africa. The study analyzed such governance instruments as the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, The New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), the African Youth Charter, the UNDP Human Development Reports, Kenya’s Vision 2030, Kenya’s Foreign Policy Document and the Constitution of Kenya 2010, among others. This study argues that compliance with these (and such) instruments holds promise not only in governance itself, but also in regard to practitioners of leadership and governance. The study advances that leaders’ goodwill in creating a context for such instruments to work is greatly important. This study therefore seeks to evaluate the relationship between compliance on the part of the African countries with such governance instruments and Africa’s international relations from a human development point of view, with a specific focus on Kenya as a case study. The study used a mixed methods approach and relies on primary data from leadership and governance practitioners, as well as diplomats, in arriving at its conclusions and recommendations. Liberalism provides the theoretical framework for the study, in line with its objectives. This is aimed at arriving at findings that will contribute to knowledge, and to recommend ideas for adoption by policy makers and stakeholders in governance matters from a point of view of complying with good governance practices, and its relevance in enhancing Africa’s human development and international relations.

service recovery strategies and competitive advantage of commercial banks in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: ngamini, dennis c

Service recovery strategy is achieved when customers derive value and satisfaction through the quality of service offered. When a service exceeds the previous expectations of a customer on that particular service then service excellence has taken place. Majority of firms excel in customer interactions but fails to pay sufficient attention on service recovery strategies. In Kenya, commercial banks just like other business organizations have spent a lot of resources to adopt various marketing activities to attract customer. The main aim of this research was to assess the impact that service recovery approaches have on Banks in Kenya. This study was based on two theories, Porter’s competitive advantage theory and the resource based theory. The target population in this research comprised of 44 commercial banks in Kenya. The target respondents were senior managers in Commercial bank. Analysis was done using multiple linear regression and correlation analysis. It indicated that Banks in Kenya, for a great extent, improved their personalized services and responsiveness while at a moderate extent banks have improved their reliability, customer focus and communication. Findings established the existence of a that positive linkage amid service recovery strategies and competitive advantage. It concludes that service recovery strategies positively enhance organization competitiveness and also the study concludes that banks ought to inspire all players in the banking sector to apply their known core skills and competencies to instill expertise in their day to day activities. The recommends that the leadership of banks should be committed to service recovery strategies. Top leadership should allocate and provide more resources, both financial and human resources, to support strategies.

role of librarians in mitigating information explosion in academic libraries: the case study of the jomo kenyatta memorial library-uon
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: library
Author: nyangoya, bolyvia, k

University libraries are meant to support the mission of the parent institutions. The growing need for information has made institutions to stay abreast with discoveries thus causing an increased availability of published and non-published information to institutions, which in return has led to overabundance of data thus making it difficult for information users to access the authentic information. The aim of the study was to investigate the r ole of librarians in mitigating information explosion in academic libraries with a review of the University of Nairobi’s Library. The objectives were to: examine the awareness levels of information explosion among the library users at library; establish the effects of information explosion amongst the library users; assess information searching skills of the users at; and propose appropriate strategies for mitigating information explosion. The study used a descriptive research design and purposive sampling technique. The University of Nairobi was purposively selected on its merit. The researcher utilized a Sample size of 208 respondents. Questionnaires were issued to the master’s students and interview guides were administered to library staff to collect data, which was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences and Microsoft Excel software. The results were then presented in tables and charts as appropriate with explanations given in prose. Findings from the research indicated that; the majority of the library users had challenges in accessing information. Results from library staff indicated that the appropriate strategies to mitigate information explosion were the adoption of Information Communication Technology. In conclusion, there is a need to embrace new Information Communication Technology, information literacy and train staff to impart the same to users.




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