Showing results of: post-graduate
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influence of current asset structure on financial performance of construction and allied firm listed at the nairobi securities exchange
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: ikayo esther r

The purpose of this research paper was determining the influence of current asset structure towards profitability of listed firms under category of construction and allied firms. The study measured current asset structure in terms of cash and cash equivalents, inventories, and trade and other receivables. The main goal current asset management is to ensure a steady flow of revenue. Maximum utilization and management of current assets by controlling aspects like accounts receivables, cash, as well as inventory, is strategically related to high profitability through improvement of business liquidity. Nonetheless, poor financing decisions have led to most firms’ failure, which has posed a big dilemma to researchers, business managers, and investors. Such declines have been experienced by companies on Nairobi security exchange making them perform poorly. In addition, a number of them have ended up being either delisted or suspended from stock market. This study was informed by stakeholders’ theory and trade-off theory. This study employed use of longitudinal study approach. The study’s population comprised of the five companies which were listed on Nairobi Security Exchange under construction and allied category as at December 2021. Study collected secondary data extracted from available records of the firms under study. The study was based on a period of ten years ranging from 2012 to 2021. The research applied descriptive and regression methods in analyzing data. The study revealed that current asset influenced financial performance through firms’ cash and cash equivalents. It was further established that firm size tends to have a strong control effect towards the linkage of current asset and profitability. Constructs of inventories and trade and other receivables were found to have insignificant effect towards financial performance of construction. The management of construction and allied listed firms should devise ways of intensifying short-term investment securities in terms of cash in order to ensure high credit quality.

corporate insolvency : protection of employee rights in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: law
Author: calystus juma kisaka
effect of asset structure on corporate financing decision among commercial and services firms listed at the nairobi securities exchange, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: abdimalik mohamed h

The interplay between asset structure and corporate financing decision among Kenyan listed commercial and services firms was explored in this inquiry. The embraced design was descriptively survey and 13 firms were targeted. The time horizon was 2017-2021 and information was gathered from auxiliary sources. The study established that asset structure, firm size, profitability and firm age were all significant predictors of corporate financing decisions. It was concluded that asset structure is a significant predictor of corporate financing decisions under control of firm size, age and profitability. It was recommended that FMs should trade off the benefits of debts against the costs and establish an appropriate mix of the same with equities in their capital structures.

youth attitudes in entrepreneurship: a case of ktn news, entrepreneurship show
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: communication studies
Author: neema esther

Youth unemployment is a major challenge that faces young people of today, many graduates are languishing in the hope of getting employed (Ogot 2015). Government programs have gone to great lengths to promote youth entrepreneurship but according to Tuko(2021) many are not aware of the programs available. Media can be a useful tool in promoting such awareness on issues of entrepreneurship. The study aimed at examining the role of The Entrepreneur Show on KTN news as a useful tool in influencing entrepreneurship among the youth. The study analyzed the TV shows content to achieve a qualitative analysis by viewing 20 available episodes on The Entrepreneur Show on YouTube. The study was able to deduce the cross-cutting attitudes and the emerging issues affecting uptake of entrepreneurship among the youth. The study was also able to note how issues of entrepreneurship are communicated and how that may affect uptake among the youth. The study explained the finding using social learning theory and media’s agenda setting role the researcher drew the relationship between the Media’s recent conversations around entrepreneurship with the growth in number of entrepreneurs both in the show and in the country. The researcher noted that though media may not to directly trigger actual entrepreneurial intentions or action, they do have a positive effect on social norms and values and thereby influence both the desirability and feasibility of entrepreneurship. Other factors have a significant impact on entrepreneurship uptake, which informs how media messages and packages TV shows such as The Entrepreneur Show. From the findings, the researcher noted emerging issues on content repackaging and media’s intentionality to foster entrepreneurship among the youth. Thus, recommended further research on repackaging and intentionality of entrepreneurship conversations.

effect of project financing on performance of independent power producers in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: wanjiku esther i

The financing of energy projects is essential to the development of infrastructure. Because governments’ activities are becoming increasingly diverse and because governments can no longer serve as the exclusive source of funding for infrastructure projects, a variety of alternative methods of financing infrastructure development are now being used worldwide. Project financing has increasingly become a preferred model of financing for many infrastructure projects in the energy sector. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effect of project financing on the performance among IPPs in Kenya. The study is guided by the resource dependency theory, frank knight’s risk bearing theory, and modern portfolio theory. A descriptive survey research design was adopted with 5 IPPs in Kenya as the target population and analyzed variables including plant availability, plant capacity, energy generated, capital expenditure, annual operation expenditure, cost of debt, capital structure and capacity factor. The study findings showed how variables affect performance showing that at ceteris paribus; one unit change in plant capacity, OPEX, log of Energy generated, Capital structure and cost of debt lead to an increase in the performance of the project by 0.04%, 0.005%, 0.3424%, 0.0129%, 33.2089%. Separately, one unit change in plant availability, CAPEX, capacity factor leads to a decrease in project performance by 4.02%, 0.8057%, 0.5921%. The findings showed that out of all factors analyzed, cost of debt has the most positive effect on project performance. This shows that a firm that uses project financing realizes better returns due to the huge tax savings on interest on debt. Project financing, can therefore be concluded to be the most effective financing model as it consists of more debt than equity and as shown in the results and has better effect on profitability of an IPP. The study recommended that IPP project investors should be encouraged to adopt project financing as it promotes performance mainly through tax savings. The Government, through the Regulator can embark on providing incentives to project financing as a model of financing for capital intensive projects.

effects of knowledge management on the financial performance of the deposit-taking saccos in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: gatua erick

Organizations acquire, use, and store their intellectual capital through Knowledge Management. Information that has been organized and acquired with the goal of efficiently and effectively influencing employees' abilities and experience to preserve consistency and enhance organizational performance is known as Knowledge Management. The primary cause of poor financial performance is a lack of management awareness among most of the present workforce in the majority of firms. Organizational information gaps have been replaced by data availability. The three main pressures on management from a global perspective are knowledge acquisition, dissemination, and application. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to evaluate how Knowledge Management affected the financial success of Kenya's DT-SACCOs. In this regard, the goal of the study was to determine how knowledge dissemination, application, and acquisition impacted the financial performance of DT-SACCOs in Kenya. The Resource Based Theory (RBV), Innovation Diffusions Theory, and Learning Organization Theory served as its guiding Theories. Data were gathered for the study using questionnaires, which followed a descriptive research methodology. The target group in Kenya consisted of 70 DT-SACCOS. The Krejcie & Morgan table was used to select the sample size, which resulted in a sample size of 60 respondents for the questionnaire. Frequencies and percentages were used to assess the quantitative data. Tables of frequency distribution were used to present the results. By determining the association between Knowledge Management and financial performance, regression and correlation analysis was utilized to assess the study hypotheses. The data showed an R2 of 0.638, indicating that 63.8% of performance changes could be attributed to the independent variables that were chosen. In addition, the study discovered that knowledge acquisition (=0.190, p=0.000), firm size (=0.436, p=0.000), and leverage (=-0.158, p=0.007) all significantly and negatively correlated with financial performance among Kenyan DT-SACCOs. Distribution of knowledge and liquidity did not significantly differ

logistic regression modelling of factors associated with the prevalence of tuberculosis in embakasi, nairobi
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: biometry
Author: ouma calvince odhiambo
effects of infrastructure development, human capital development, and foreign direct investment on housing in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: economics
Author: ngeny enock k

To establish a vibrant real estate sector and facilitate the construction of affordable, modern, and efficient housing units to all Kenyans, the government should establish measures and policies that impact investors positively. Primary, this is achievable through partnership with local and foreign investors to reduce the housing cost. The initial medium-term idea (MTI, 2009-2012) of vision 2030 in Kenya was to grant 250,000 housing items per year to all income levels by the year 2012. However, the goal was not achieved since only 50,000 out of 250,000 housing units were constructed. In Kenya, housing shortages will be more profound as a result of increased population growth rates and urbanization which is not accompanied by improvements in the housing sector. Affordable housing is one of Kenya’s Big 4 agendas aimed at transforming the economy of the country into a middle-income one. Therefore, the focus of this study is to suggest policies to Kenyan government and investors to solve problems of absence of sufficient housing units through evaluation of Infrastructural Development (ID), Human Capital Development (HCD), and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in relation to Housing in Kenya. The research will use quarterly non-stationary data for the period 2009-2020 to approximate a simple regression of housing growth rates and the chosen macroeconomic factors. This study will employ both causal and analytical design using auxiliary data from the CBK, KNBS, KIPPRA, KRA, and other Government records. Test of the unit root will be undertaken to determine stationarity of the data used using critical Dickey-Fuller where (P<0.05), Cointegration test is also performed to identify any existence of a relationship between the predictor variables and the predicted variable, in the long run, using Engle-Granger test(P<0.05). Multicollinearity is performed using variance inflation factor (VIF<10) to identify any correlation between the predictor variables. A test of Heteroscedasticity is done to establish whether the residual term is equally distributed using the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test and the Durbin Watson test for serial correlation coefficient (p<2.5). Using documentary research, the time series data will be collected and analyzed using STATA. The findings are expected to inform the government on the initiatives, measure, and policy options to adopt in order to reduce the housing deficit in Kenya.

impact of strategic responses on performance of reliance hospital in nairobi
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: abdirizak ahmed j

Organizations have utilized strategic responses towards quality improvements, productivity increment, cut costs, and reorganize and establish culture. These are acts aimed at dealing with the firm's environment's difficulties. Therefore, they are building and employing various strategic responses that are dependent on the environment, capacity, skills, and resources. Despite these benefits, environmental volatility has hampered performance. It has drawn attention to the firms’ already delicate performance, which is heavily influenced by micro and macro environmental factors. Things have not been different for Reliance hospital. Hence, this study sought to understand what are the strategic approaches adopted by Reliance Hospital to improve performance especially during COVID-19? And how does the performance of the Reliance Hospital relate to its strategic responses. The study adopted a case study design. Data was collected using an interview guide the CEO, senior doctors, senior nurses, finance manager, and human resource manager. The findings of the study indicated that there are different internal and external environmental factor that influence the performance of the hospital. The respondent recorded political, economic and Socio-cultural factors. They also listed other factors like leadership, skills, knowledge and capabilities, human resource development, socio-demographic factors and patient involvement and cooperation. The respondents listed ways they tried to deal with turbulent environments changes. One was conducting a competitor analysis, having products for both high income and middle-income earners, attracting donor funding and adopting a customer relationship management strategy. Additionally, they are investing in increased technological innovations, improving its physical infrastructures, strengthening its financial management systems, and training employees to achieve quality patient care and satisfaction. The study concluded that the hospital is greatly affected to an extent by both external and internal factors. It recommended that the hospital's management need to use their brand names for cultivation of customer loyalty, use advertising and real time strategic responses that facilitate the hospitals preparedness in handling the impending issues and train their employees to reduce staff turnover. The hospital should also follow all government policies and regulations to the letter in order to avoid lawsuits which may harm the hospitals’ reputation. Lastly, the study concludes that has given the hospital an advantage in the industry.

exploring intrinsic factors motivating community health volunteers to promote cervical cancer screening, isiolo subcounty
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: public health
Author: bosek everline c

Introduction: Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) provide healthcare services such as basic curative, promoting and preventive healthcare services at the community level. While CHVs role is outlined at policy level, their engagement at the county level is still sub-optimal influencing their motivation. Other than remuneration, CHVs can be motivated by other intrinsic factors such as recognition. Unlike other cancers, cervical cancer is treatable when identified early by screening and early diagnosis. However, the uptake of screening services in Kenya is still low among eligible women. Therefore, to encourage uptake of screening by eligible women, CHVs need to be utilized to create awareness at the community level. Objective: Study aimed at exploring the intrinsic motivation factors that influence CHVs in promoting cervical cancer screening. Methodology: This was a qualitative study conducted in Isiolo Sub-County. Sixteen CHV leads were purposively selected to participate in individual interviews conducted between January and February 2021. The interviews were audio-taped, transcribed and analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results: Fourteen out of 16 participants were competent having demonstrated knowledge on cervical cancer and screening. However, 13 out of 16 did not know the type of screening services offered. All the participants had a good relationship with their supervisors. The average time spent each day doing CHV work was 3.6 hours. Participants rated their job satisfaction in relation to promoting cervical cancer screening very lowly at 2.8 on a scale of 10 due to lack of capacity building and facilitation to work diligently at the community level. All the CHVs (N=16) attributed their motivation to service to community and to God. Eleven out of 16 attributed their satisfaction to gaining and utilizing new knowledge. Conclusion: The CHVs were not satisfied with their role in creating awareness to promote cervical cancer screening. Factors such as average level of knowledge on cervical cancer and inconsistent support supervision were the main factors that contributed to dissatisfaction of CHVs and influenced their performance on creating awareness for cervical cancer screening Recommendation: Subject specific training is needed to improve CHVs knowledge on cervical cancer screening and consistent close supervision provided to ensure optimal performance by CHVs.




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