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socio economic and environmental impact assessment of one village one product approach: case study of coffee intensification project for poverty reduction in nzega cell, gasaka sector, nyamagabe district
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: agriculture
Author: bananeza emmanuel octave
Rwanda is the most densely populated country in Africa with a population of 10,185,435 in 2009 on area of 26,338 Km2. Agriculture sector provides livelihood for 87% of the population in the country and contributes to (40-43% ) of the gross domestic production (GDP). This leads to an over exploitation of natural resources causing the decline in soil fertility, land scarcity due to splitting of arable land, food shortage, erosion, environment protection concerns which caused increased poverty level. The rapid demographic growth has let policy makers in worries and appropriate strategies/measures need to be done to ensure a sustainable development for the country. For the last decade, the government of Rwanda initiated various economic and agricultural reforms which aimed to bring rational and sustainable solutions to the issue of endemic poverty. This research focused on analyzing the socio-economic and environment impacts of one of the development policies/approaches in the country. The One Village One Product approach (OVOP),was initiated to bring together synergies between land , agriculture and housing reforms through respectively consolidation of land use, agriculture transformation and living in village settlement. The choice for coffee intensification by the Nyamagabe District was caused by the fact that the climate and soil conditions are suitable for its growing; its contribution for the last 50 years as the main source of foreign currency for the country and recent efforts by the government to reform the coffee sector in order to become more competitive and generating more incomes to primary producers in cooperative. The hypothesis for this study is: “The OVOP approach through the coffee intensification project in Nyamagabe district has improved the livelihoods of farmers/households involved” the main objective of this study being to assess the current socio –economic and environment impacts of the One Village One Product (OVOP) approach in regard of the Coffee Intensification project in Nyamagabe district through land use consolidation and crop intensification (monoculture) systems. It has come to support the district in its efforts to alleviate poverty within rural population through new income generating opportunities by developing high value added commercial crops. The absence of land consolidation in a context of land scarcity and excessive split plot combined with the lack of crop intensification in the area (GASAKANZEGA) was keeping the population in extreme poverty. The Coffee Intensification Project for poverty Reduction in Nyamagabe District is in line with various development policies that Government of Rwanda has been initiating or adhering to for the last decade (decentralization policy, land reform policy, crop intensification program, the vision 2020, Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy, the strategic plan for agriculture transformation, the Millenium Development Goals, etc…). The implementation of activities of the coffee intensification project for poverty reduction in Nyamagabe district, Gasaka sector has had various positive impact such as: cultivation of coffee on 90,9 ha, exploitation of spaces/hills which were abandoned/shrubs, reinforcing soil conservation measures on cultivated land (terraces and erosion control contours), fruits, and agroforestry trees; forages, fixing plants, organization of local population into cooperative, introduction of the land use consolidation approach, market oriented production, emergence of entrepreneurial spirit, increasing incomes and enabling the beneficiaries to participate/contribute in different development and social programs (9 years based education, health insurance, Girinka, saving and access to loans). The project also supported the capacity reinforcement of the beneficiaries’ organizational body (KOKA cooperative) ; the financial support in term of monthly subsidy to ensure food security of involved households ; and diversification through the development of small income generating projects associated or complementary to coffee growing to increase their incomes. 104 households got support for livestock ( cow, rabbits and pigs). With the 175009 new coffee trees ready for production in 2012 and the 32926 old coffee trees with a current capacity of 112T; it is expected that the consolidated land produce around 300T of coffee cherries thus a need for a washing station. Key issues that need particular attention are identified and mitigation measures proposed accordingly. Being in its 3rd year, the achievements of the project had so far reached some of its objectives such as changing positively the rural livelihoods, increasing their annual income from 100US$ up to 778 US. The project covers a total number of 253 households with 219 qualifying for the monthly subsidy with 1121 members out of which 586 are women and 535 men. This study focused on a sample of 157 households with 698 members.
the impact of breach of contract of sale of goods under the united nations convention on contracts for international sale of goods
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business law
Author: mugabo emmanuel
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is a treaty offering a uniform international sales law that has been ratified by more than 80 countries that account for a significant proportion of world trade, making it one of the most successful international uniform laws. Rwanda, Madagascar and Bahrain were among the most recent states that have enacted laws authorizing accession to this Convention. Rwanda has concluded the domestic procedure for consideration of CISG by adopting a law for its adoption on 30th August 2013. However, there are other countries that are in due process to ratify this Convention. The CISG allows exporters to avoid choice of laws issues as the CISG offers accepted substantive rules on which contracting parties, courts, and arbitrators may rely. The CISG was developed by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and was signed in Vienna in 1980. The CISG is sometimes referred to as the Vienna Convention. It came into force as a multilateral treaty on 1 January 1988, after being ratified by eleven countries. The CISG has been described as a great legislative achievement and the ‘most successful international document so far’ in unified international sales law in part due to its flexibility in allowing Contracting States the option of taking exception to some specified articles.
coaching program for district performance: a case study of rwamagana district (2016-2019)
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: local governance studies
Author: minani faustin
The coaching approach has been recognized and adopted by the Government of Rwanda as one the tools to improve capacities of public servants in general and employees at local government level in particular. Since 2011, a coaching program for local government was introduced as a way to improve the performance of districts. The central aim of this study is to examine the effect of coaching program to the organizational performance of the local government (LG) entities with the following specific objectives: analyze the coaching approach in the context of LG entities; assess the relationship between the coaching interventions and district Imihigo performance and analyze the changes occurred in district performance during fiscal years 2016-2019 as a result of coaching interventions. The study used a mixed method involving quantitative and qualitative data. The sample size for this study was 85 employees from Rwamagana District using simple random sampling method. Data have been collected using online questionnaire and interview though phone call due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The findings from the study showed that coaching approach is relevant to the context of local government and its interventions has an influence to the district performance. During the fiscal years 2016-2019, the study revealed that a number of positive changes occurred in Rwamagana District as a result of coaching program. The study recommends to both central and local government as well as to the stakeholders involved in coaching to continue coaching initiative for further capacity development of local government staff and officials in order to enable them effectively deliver on its mandate. Beneficiaries of coaching should also own the whole process of coaching as to make the program more effective and sustain its results. In order to further understand the effect of coaching to local government organizational performance, the study suggests that similar research should be extended to more districts and more areas of focus other than performance contract-Imihigo.
the military citizen outreach program on health security in rwanda: a case of rwanda military hospital in bugesera district 2009-2018
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: security studies
Author: kazarwa mary
Traditionally, the role of military was limited to activities related to protection of national boundaries and territorial integrity in order to prevent nations from foreign aggression. However, this concept has recently changed and the term security has broadened to encompass issues of human security to encompass health security. For decades there has been considerable participation of military in different activities directly contributing to national development in addition to their primary role of preserving national boundaries. Available study shows that the involvement of the military role in health security has a long and dynamic history. Moreover, the military effort to preserve health of population can also be viewed in its emergency activities towards disaster management. In addition to humanitarian assistance activities conducted, military medical personnel also have demonstrated an irresistible effort in fighting against diseases. The concept of health security was given more importance from 1990s to a new mindset concerning a tremendous rising and intensification in contagious diseases. However the relationship between health security and national security is not commonly understood. In Rwanda, the contribution of the military in health security programs and other social economic development activities can be viewed through “RDF Citizen Outreach Program,” previously executed as “Army Week” established in 2009 a government initiative to reinforce health measures that was in place since the devastation of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. The aim of this research is to assess the RDF outreach program on health security in Rwanda a study of Rwanda Military Hospital (RMH) in Bugesera District towards sustainable human security and development. The research will make key findings with a view to providing reasoned answers to research questions and make recommendations to improve the RDF citizens outreach program. The research will show that although RDF outreached has made impressive achievements, there are underlying challenges that leadership must address as requisite to make RDF Citizens‟ Outreach Program more effective. The research will recommend some possible strategies to the stakeholders as the surer courses of action towards making RDF Citizen Outreach‟s program more plausible for sustainable health security.
psychosocial living condition of children born from women raped during the 1994 genocide perpetrated against tutsi in rwanda
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: genocide studies and prevention
Author: laetitia mukahigiro
In general , wars are fought by men but women or girls seem to suffer more. For instance a war might break up when a woman has not any protection. In former condition, the woman needs special care from any person, herself or even her surrounding which is next to impossible when in time of a war. Although it looked at women who were raped in other conflicts and genocides in general, In April 1994 Rwanda experienced any crimes against humanity where a million of people perished and the execution was carried out by Rwandans and against Rwandans. This happened in the blink of an eye since no other Genocide had claimed such number in such quickness moreover. International community landed to worsen the situation since it was on the side of the tormentor rather that the tormented. Rape was utilized as the most destructive facility of perpetrators as female Tutsis were sexually abused and these horrible acts resulted into unwanted pregnancies. My research deals with ‘’Psychosocial living condition of children born from women raped in 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.’’ Most of the children who were born of rape are now at a marriageable age but sometimes getting spouses is not easy. They live in the prospect that no one will appreciate them on the ground of their birth. Such children belong to neither their fathers’ family nor to their mothers’ since the former are killers and are known as interahamwe who massacred Tutsis in the genocide. They experience negative environment both in the community and within their home. Frequently the child experience ostracism from community. They have not a good reputation even the young people of same generation don’t love or consider them. That research on children born of rape shows psychological and social problems as well as identity problem, discrimination, and loneliness, depression and secondary trauma.
effects of corruption in gold and diamond resources on residents of gola konneh district, liberia
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: peace studies and conflict transformation
Author: kendricks teeky doe
This study assessed the effects of corruption in Gold and Diamond resources on residents of Gola Konneh District, Liberia. This had created debate leading to conflict in Gola Konneh District, Grand Cape Mount County- Liberia. This study identified the effects of corruption on gold and diamond resources distribution in Gola Konneh District. The general objective of the study was to assess the effects of corruption on the distribution of gold and diamond resources on the residents of Gola Konneh District, Grand Cape Mount County – Liberia. The study objectives were achieved using the following research questions: What are the effects of corruption on the distribution of gold and diamond resources on the residents of Gola Konneh District Grand Cape Mount County – Liberia? What was the role of Liberia Anti Corruption Commission in the fight against corruption on the distribution of gold and diamond resources on residents of Gola Konneh District Grand Cape Mount County – Liberia? The study used the Corporate Social Responsibility Theory which links both variables in the study. The study used the qualitative research design, to collect data from the field. The qualitative techniques such as documents, observations, interviews, and focus group discussions were used to collect data from the field. The field findings suggest that income generated from the mining sector is not benefitting the people of the district as the result of corruption, which exacerbating conflict in the district. It is recommended that institutions that are responsible for issues of mineral resources and corruption adequately address mining policies, and fully implement those regulatory frame works, that mineral resources will have positive effects on the district (Gola Konneh).
threatening & appropriate bodies in nation-building: paths to world’s first female parliamentary majority in post-genocide rwanda
Level: university
Type: others
Subject: peace and development
Author: christopher kayumba
While Rwanda first attracted the world’s attention for the genocide that took place in 1994, 16 years later the country is capturing interest because it now has the highest number of women in its parliament than in any other country in the world. After the first post-genocide legislative elections, in 2003, about 49% of elected legislators in the lower house of Parliament were women. Five years later, women constitute over 56% of elected legislators following the subsequent elections in September 2008. This success of women at the ballot box is unprecedented in the history of representative and electoral politics anywhere. Women politicians’ success in elections is so far attributed to the 30% reserved seats for women. However, the electoral outcome for women far exceeds this constitutional quota. This thesis, through methodological triangulation explores the factors and conditions that can help us develop a better contextual understanding of how and why women managed to perform relatively better at elections. Following an explorative and descriptive approach, I seek to understand and explain electoral outcome for women through the subjective understandings and interpretations of women politicians who experience, affect and are affected by the electoral process. I also learn from political party leaders as gatekeepers of who gets to represent parties in elections and why they select the candidates that they do. This approach is supplemented by reading documentary evidence such as electoral laws, published works and dominant elite discourse as they are discerned from political speeches addressing how presence in sites of power is constructed and justified. Overall, findings show that women’s success at the ballot box is neither accidental nor a consequence of one single factor such as quotas. Instead, the high numbers of women in Rwanda’s Parliament can be understood to be a consequence of varied factors and conditions embedded in the country’s violent political past and the recent socio-political changes driven by the elite. In this thesis, I suggest that this change, where the dominant political elite are trying to shape the political environment away from the Tutsi-Hutu politicised and dichotomised differences towards commonness under the politics of gender equality and homogenising political categories through the rubric of Rwandan-ness can also be better understood when one comprehends the effects of the war and genocide. This also calls for comprehending the historical, political and institutional contexts within which electoral politics takes place as well as how political power is organized and legitimised rather than focusing on one single element such as reserved seats. In this regard, the role of dominant elite discourse in constructing and justifying presence in sites of power is highlighted.
tourism activities and poverty alleviation in musanze district: kinigi sector as a case study
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: peace studies and conflict transformation
Author: charles kayihura
The main tenacity of my work was to analyze the bond between tourism activities and alleviation of poverty in Musanze District. It had three specific intentions: to examine the influence of tourism activities and alleviation of poverty in Kinigi Sector; challenges, and the bond between those variables in Kinigi Sector. This would guide stakeholders, academicians and policy makers. It was realized that there are several benefits that come with tourism, like employment, businesses for the local communities. As a result of the levy deducted from tourist revenues, critical infrastructure was also registered. The total respondents were 355 respondents while 125 were used as a sample. In this work I used qualitative and quantitative methods. Furthermore, I collected data using a questionnaire, interview guide and supported by documentaries. Data was analyzed and presented in form of tables. The findings reveal significant direct and indirect employment opportunities. The study observed improvement of health service, education, water supply, electricity and infrastructure in the sector. The study finding noted some challenges faced in tourism related activities and poverty alleviation such as being lack of credits (poverty), lack of awareness on how to invest in tourism, lack of incentives, and lack of qualification to work in tourism among others. There are some challenges such as skilled labor in the surrounding environs. The following conclusions were made: tourism and related deeds contribute to improved wellbeing through income generated.
factors affecting vup-financial services loans repayment in rwanda; a case study of gisagara district
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: local governance studies
Author: théogène karangwa
The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting VUP- Financial services loan repayment in Rwanda with specific reference to Gisagara District from 2010 to June 2019. The study achieved its goal through three objectives namely to determine the extent to which lender factors affect VUP financial services loan repayment, to determine the extent to which borrower factors affect VUP financial services loan repayment and finally to determine the extent to which business factors affect VUP financial services loan repayment in Gisagara District. The study reviewed applicable literature for defining the gap which the research has filled. The study included VUP-FS beneficiaries as target population and the sample size of 254 beneficiaries was selected for modelling a binary dependent variable. The research adopted descriptive research design where data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed using the binary logistic regression method. This study revealed that lender and business related factors are the most important factors, affecting VUP-FS loan repayment. Getting the profit from the business, full affection of the loan to the intended business, sufficiency of the loan to start the business, shifting responsibilities of delivering loans from the Sector to Umurenge SACCO and supervising the loan utilization have been found as the most significant determinants of VUP-FS loan repayment. The level of education is positively associated with the likelihood of repaying VUP-FS loan while the number of dependents is negatively affecting the VUP-FS loan repayment. The study recommends that lender be obliged to have a compulsory monitoring and control the use and repayment of loans. Borrowers should also affect the loan to its purpose and not implementing other activities not related to the project. The study also recommends to fully finance the project and increase the loan ceiling by not only basing on the number of borrowers but also basing on the size and type of business. The study further recommends to extend the repayment period and to reduce the interest rate as they were considered as challenge for loan repayment. The study finally recommends the training of borrowers before and after receiving loans with an emphasis on project preparation, the management of the business, saving, book keeping and loan repayment as some borrowers were not aware of if the loan will be repaid back.
liability of directors in a limited company
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business law
Author: kansayire christiane
In this thesis, two major tasks were carried out. First of all, the duties of directors in Limited Company under the Rwandan Law were discussed. Secondly, the analyses of directors’ liabilities in limited company were done, and proposals to reform the Rwandan Company Law were made. For the first issues, the researcher found that the duties of a company director whether in Rwanda or anywhere else stem from the company’s law and/ or articles of association. The duty of care and due diligence, loyalty as well as observing other statutory provisions applicable to all limited liability companies has to be given priority by the director, failure of which will lead to his liability for mismanagement, breach of statutory provisions or by-laws more especially where loss or damage has been caused by such behavior. However in second point, the researcher found that in Rwanda companies ‘law, there are some provisions which provide that directors are civil, or administrative and penal liable if she/he breach the laws and regulations related to his/her duties. However, there are some gaps in the Rwanda companies’ law which require the improvement in order to implement the good governance in limited companies. The purpose of this thesis was mainly to examine the liability of directors. The issues were explored through an analysis of Rwandan legislation in general and companies law especially. More important problems are related to issues such as avoidance of conflict of interest, the ambiguous provisions and the lack of the limitation mechanism of directors’ liability. During or after the assessment, the researcher makes some comments on those issues, offer the opinions and make the suggestions about the improvement of the provision on liability of directors in a limited company under Rwandan law.