Showing results of: post-graduate
results found: 2964
avoidance of trappings in continual collapse of spherical stars
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: astrophysics and space science
Author: terricia govender

In this dissertation we study the physical process of a spherically symmetric perfect uid experiencing a continuous gravitational collapse in concurrence with continuous radiating energy in an outward spacetime. Trapped surfaces are avoided and the nal fate of the collapse is a at spacetime. In addition, the collapsing matter conforms to the weak and dominant energy conditions at all epochs. Our investigation clearly unveils the purpose of the equation of state and reveals the bounds on the thermodynamic potentials the equation of state admits for such a model. We arm that these models are generic without any of the issues and paradoxes attached to horizons and singularities, because the system of Einstein eld equations accepts such a theoretical account for an open set of initial data and the equation of state function in their respective functional spaces. High resolution radio telescopes of today, should ideally detect the existence of these compact bodies in the sky.

some statistical methods in analysis of single and multiple events with application to infant mortality data
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: applied statistics
Author: paul gatabazi

The time to event analysis or survival analysis aims at making inferences on the time elapsed between the recruitment of subjects or the onset of observations, until the occurrence of some event of interest. Methods used in general statistical analysis, in particular in regression analysis, are not directly applicable to time to event data due to covariate correlation, censoring and truncation. While analysing time to event data, medical statistics adopts mainly nonparametric methods due to difficulty in finding the adequate distribution of the phenomenon under study. This study reviews non-parametric classical methods of time to event analysis namely Aalen Additive Hazards Model (AAHM) trough counting and martingale processes, Cox Proportional Hazard Model (CPHM) and Cox-Aalen Hazards Model (CAHM) with application to the infant mortality at Kigali University Teaching Hospital (KUTH) in Rwanda. Proportional hazards assumption (PHA) was checked by assessing Kaplan-Meier estimates of survival functions per groups of covariates. Multiple events models were also reviewed and a model suitable to the dataset was selected. The dataset comprises 2117 newborns and socio-economic and clinical covariates for mothers and children. Two events per subject were modeled namely, the death and the occurrence of at least one of the conditions that may also cause long term death to infants. To overcome the instability of models (also known as checking consistence of models) and potential small sample size, re-sampling was applied to both CPHM and appropriate multiple events model. The popular non-parametric re-sampling methods namely bootstrap and jackknife for the available covariates were conducted and then re-sampled models were compared to the non-re-sampled ones. The results in different models reveal significant and non-significant covariates, the relative risk and related standard error and confidence intervals per covariate. Among the results, it was found that babies from under 20 years old mothers were at relatively higher risk and therefore, pregnancy of under 20 years old mothers should be avoided. It was also found that an infant’s abnormality in weight and head increases the risk of infant mortality, clinically recommended ways of keeping pregnancy against any cause of infant abnormality were then recommended.

government biology curriculum for schools and its implementation in secondary schools in bahati sub-county, nakuru county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: education
Author: benard kiprono bett

Successful implementation of the Biology curriculum has suffered which has resulted in low biological achievement. The objectives were: to determine the extent to which teaching methods influence implementation of Biology curriculum Bahati Sub County, to determine the extent to which assessment methods influence implementation of Biology curriculum Bahati Sub County and to assess influence of teachers’ characteristics on implementation of Biology curriculum Bahati Sub County. Descriptive design was chosen for the study and based in Bahati Sub County area amongst targeting Biology teachers. The participants were chosen using a simple random sampling method. Krejcie & Morgan table used to develop the sample of 103. Data was obtained through structured questionnaires. In this analysis, instruments reliability was calculated by split-half method, while supervisor also validates testing tools. The findings show that use of teaching methods significantly influences curriculum implementation in Biology (β=0.449; p=0.000). Secondly, assessment methods negatively influence curriculum implementation in Biology (β=-0.155; p=0.363). Lastly, teachers’ characteristics significantly influence curriculum implementation in Biology (β=0.484; p=0.001). A conclusion made that use of inquiry method, project-based teaching; problem solving method could enhance proper curriculum implementation. It was evident that assessment methods that are significant in the implementation of Biology curriculum include provision of timely feedback on examination, conducting outdoor student assessment tests, administering mid-year examinations with at least a practical. Lastly, teachers’ characteristics that are important in curriculum implementation include teachers’ class workload, student-teacher ratio, in-service training on instructional practices and teaching experience.

digitization readiness assessment in public organizations a case of kenya national examinations council
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: information technology management
Author: leah wangari kiratu

An education system geared towards critical thinking, problem solving and lifelong learning is an important part of the innovation ecosystem. The examination process is an important indicator of learning outcomes. In Kenya, examinations are managed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), who are required to provide accurate and timely examination information to education stakeholders, including candidates, schools, curriculum developers, and education policy makers. This is hampered by information held in hardcopy documents that poses a challenge to access, search, dissemination and analysis. A number of attempts to digitize existing documents have not been successful. The research is purposed to come up with a digitization readiness model to assess the preparedness of KNEC and by extension other public organizations towards undertaking digitization. After reviewing theory on e-readiness and digitization of organizations, the study developed a digitization readiness assessment model (DRAM), which included organizational, IT governance, competency, technology and ICT security readiness indicators. The model was then validated through a survey at KNEC. Through a quantitative survey, the study sought to establish the preparedness of KNEC to carry out digitization. Purposive sampling targeting a population of 100 respondents was done. A questionnaire was the main data collection instrument, while data analysis was by use of frequencies, descriptive analysis and Principal Component Analysis. The analysis established an aggregation of success factors along three components; most critical, critical, and less critical/supportive. The study reveals that the most critical indicators address governance of ICT projects, critical indicators addresses control measures of the same while less critical factors are supportive. The emergent digitization (preparedness) index for KNEC was found to be 2.88, on a scale of 1 to 4, where 2.5 is the minimum expected level of readiness. A critical look however at the individual indices that aggregate this score shows weakness in some of the factors associated with the “most critical” axis. These are competency readiness and Organizational Readiness. The study concludes that Digitization Readiness Assessment Model is useful to managers of public organizations, for decision-making and recommends sector wide approach towards digitization as a way to optimize resources.

testing weak form of market efficiency of exchange traded funds at nse market
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: actuarial science
Author: cavin oyugi ongere

Market efficiency is defined as a case when the prices in a market reflects the information, which is currently available within the market, or otherwise, the market is said to be inefficient whenever the prices of a financial security in not reflected by the information available to all local and international investors who are trading in the securities market. Having a better understanding of the market efficiency when trading an Exchange Traded Fund of any given set of securities in an exchange market is extremely vital for any prospective investor who need to make sound investment decisions as well as market predictions. When trading in a market with few traders who likes dominating the market through insider trading, it is more likely to experience securities exchange market without confidence of investors thus depicting weak form of the efficient market efficiency. Nairobi Securities Exchange market is important in the economy especially for those companies that are looking forward to capital or startups in the Kenyan Market from a global perspective. While testing of the weak form of efficient market hypothesis or EMH of the Nairobi stock exchange (NSE) is done through daily as well as weekly securities index data from NSE 20 share index over the period, 2nd February 2002 to May 2nd 2019. The research study applies the use of secondary NSE data that was derived from Nairobi Stock Exchange market website. This research has deviated from the normal and conventional linear approach to test market efficiency and use of using unit roots to test serial correlation. The daily returns in aspect to skewness as well as kurtosis was found to be non-normal. Similar demonstrations resulted from the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. From the results, null hypothesis of the normality was not rejected. In this research, there is the use of fractional integration thus utilization of ARFIMA to test long term memory and even the traditional unit root test is incorporated to compare both results thus giving a perfect conclusion on whether NSE stock market is definitely weak form efficient. Moreover, NSE-20 share Index stocks are used to make an Exchange Traded Fund that is priced and forecasted that is important for investors looking forward to make investments at the NSE Market in Kenya due to its mimicking ability. Ultimately, the forecasted values of ETF is done on the trendlines similar to the NSE-20 share Index trends, which investors to make informed financial decisions when buying any securities traded in NSE market.

organizational factors influencing performance of rehabilitation projects for social reintegration of juvenile offenders in kirinyaga county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: project planning and management
Author: harrison mwiti kiruki

Every society welcomes the aspect of the residents being social, living in harmony with the set norms that directly relate well to their traditions, believes and values. The juvenile are no exception though usually not subjected to prisons, making the government adopt various invention approaches like rehabilitation to support and ensure that social reintegration is efficient even after the care, protection, correction and re-unification back into their communities. The purpose of this study was to assess the organizational factors influencing performance of rehabilitation projects for social re-integration of juvenile offenders in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following research specific objectives; to evaluate the influence of co-ordination of activities on performance of rehabilitation projects for social re-integration, to investigate the influence of financial support on performance of rehabilitation projects for social re-integration, to determine the influence of staffing capacity on performance of rehabilitation projects for social re-integration and to determine the influence of government policies’ status on performance of rehabilitation projects for social re-integration of juvenile offenders in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The study used descriptive research design approach. Specifically, the study target population comprised of 60 officials (Institution staff, probation officers and children officers) respectively working in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. This study used stratified random sampling technique to give a sample size of 52 possible respondents. A questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection. To ensure validity of the instruments, the researcher discussed the questionnaire with the supervisor. The reliability test included 10 respondents from Othaya Rehabilitation School. Data collected in this study was analyzed via quantitative approach and assembled to form the final findings and interpretations. Data gathered quantitatively from various close-ended questions were classified into various categories and analyzed. The responses were further coded by allocating identifiable symbols, figures, numerical or other signs. The SPSS (Version. 22.0) was used as the main statistical tool of calculating the expected parameters. The study also concluded that out that the staff in the county of Kirinyaga that comprised of children officers, probation officers, staff at Wamumu Rehabilitation Centre were in agreement that; they were happy that coordination of activities in the enhancement of rehabilitation projects outcomes for social reintegration of Juvenile Offenders has been efficient despite there being inadequate coordination by state and government officials which might be a root factor on the efficiency running of rehabilitation centers. The researcher concluded that that most the same staff believe that the financial support has been key towards the efficiency of administrators in addressing issues in rehabilitation centers that are project and processes efficiency despite still believing that there is a resource scarcity. The study concluded that; there were inadequate staff in the administration of rehabilitation centers in the region which lead to a decrease in productivity which brings about stress hence poor performance of rehabilitation projects for social reintegration. The study concludes that the staff associated with the rehabilitation projects agreed that there were challenges related to government policies implementation. The study recommends that further studies should be done to establish other factors like personal juvenile characteristic based, environment based or cultural based among others that equally influence the performance of rehabilitation projects for social reintegration of the juvenile offenders in Kirinyaga County besides the ones studied above.

waste minimization strategies for sustainable interior design
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: arts and design
Author: mike kemboi chesaro

This thesis project report is based on waste minimization strategies for sustainable interior design. Conventionally, interior design was viewed as a one-dimensional practice which was basically to offer beautiful spaces to the clients. Recently, the practice has experienced a dramatic change with the incorporation of strategies which emphasize designing environmentally sustainable and healthy spaces for people to live in, work in and play in. The awareness of environmental accountability is what sparked the necessity for an environmental sustainable interior design practice. Society at large is starting to recognize the link between spaces, people and community. Moreover, consumers of interior design are starting to recognize their role and influence in environmental protection. This study makes emphasis on a case study of interior design firms within Nairobi County and its environs. The objectives of this study are to establish the most appropriate waste minimization strategy used by interior designers, to determine the current waste minimization strategies used by interior designers in Nairobi and its environs and to propose a waste minimization strategy that can be adopted by interior designers in Nairobi and its environs to attain sustainable interior design. The literature was gathered through document analysis from published online journals and books. The sample size for the study was determined as 11 respondent interior design firms from a population of 110 interior design firms in Nairobi and its environs. Stratified simple random sampling technique was used to get the sample of interior design firms to be studied. The interior design firms in Nairobi will be categorized into stratus of small, medium and large firms. The instruments that will be used in data collection include in-depth interviews, questionnaire survey and observational forms and checklists. This study will create awareness of the existing waste minimization strategies in interior design and also will propose a waste minimization strategy that can be adopted by Kenyan interior designers.

the influence of single parenthood on educational perfomance of high schools in limuru district, kiambu county-kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: education
Author: jesse maina kimani

This is a research purposed to expound the impact of single parenthood on the educational performance of high schools in Limuru District, Kiambu County. The aims of the research were; Determine how single parents participation impact educational achievement, estimate the level to which single parent's level of education imparted educational achievement, determine the level to which single parent's profession imparted educational achievement of learners and to search the level to which the size of the family of a single parent influenced the educational achievement of learners in high schools in Limuru District. The study targeted 31 high schools. Five schools (16.66. %) which is above the 10% that was recommended by Mugenda and Mugenda (2009), were randomly selected from the different types of schools in our country. The research used 5 high schools as the sample with each school contributing 40 learners hence a total of 200 learners. 40 learners were selected so that the schools minimize disruption of school activities. The research also used 5 class tutors and 5 principals from the five schools involved. The single parent learners were randomly selected from form three classes by their class tutors. All schools selected were multiple streams. This study employed a survey study design. The study employed the use of questionnaires as the sole data collection equipment. Data gathered was then resolved using EXCEL, means, and frequencies. The results indicated that parental participation is of great significance to the educational achievements of learners. A direct rapport attic the parent's level of education and the learners' educational performance is obtained by the study. The study also indicated that the larger the family the fewer learners are provided with facilities that are meant to help them in their educational. The financial status of the family highly altered learners' educational achievements mostly due to the provisions. The research recommended: most schools should group learners and make school families from which learners' problems are communicated between the tutors and the parents. The management should look for ways in which they could encourage and motivate parents to embrace the educational clinics where the parents, tutors, and learners should come on board and discuss the conditions that might have affected the learners' achievements. Since family size has a straight impression on the educational enactment of most learners, the government and the civil societies should educate parents on how to plan their family size. The government should inform the guardians of the importance of manageable families that could easily be provided with their requirements; the general public should be informed on the importance of education.

applied biostatistics and informatics i (mph 7103) notes-simon kasasa makerere university sph 2006
Level: university
Type: notes
Subject: public health
Author: simon kasasa
synthesis, characterisation and antibacterial activity of quinoline chalcone hybrids
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: chemistry
Author: gillean pamela fraser

Nine novel quinoline-chalcone hybrids were synthesized via a base-catalysed Claisen-Schmidt condensation of 6-fluoroquinoline-2-carbaldehyde, 8-fluoroquinoline-2-carbaldehyde or 6,8-difluoroquinoline-2-carbaldehyde with 4'-Br, 4'-Cl and 4'-F substituted acetophenones. The 2-methylquinoline intermediates were prepared by the Doebner-Miller reaction and oxidized to their corresponding quinoline-2-carbaldehydes before being condensed with the acetophenones. The structures of the quinoline chalcones were characterized by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy and confirmed by HRMS. The synthesised hybrid molecules were evaluated for their antibacterial activity against six standard bacterial strains, namely the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and the Gram-negative Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium. The synthesized compounds showed better or comparable antibacterial activity to known drugs (ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin) in the same assay, the most active being the 6,8-difluoroquinoline derivative with a para bromo moiety on the acetophenone derived portion of the molecule, showing MBC values of 5.2 and 20.9 μM against S. aureus and MRSA respectively.




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