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the impact of infrastructure development of trade costs in the east african community
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: economics
Author: korir diana c
effects of financial inclusion on the financial performance of small and medium enterprises in mombasa county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: business
Author: barasa diana a

Research sought to determine the effect of financial inclusion on financial performance of SMEs in Mombasa. Specific objectives were anchored on financial access, quality, usage and service delivery. The development of mobile banking, microfinances, SACCOs and internet banking in Mombasa County was aimed at improving financial access, enhance finance quality, financial use and service delivery, however, small businesses are still failing in their performance. There was need to empirically study these problem and be able to understand how financial inclusivity can help the financial exhibition of Small and medium enterprises. The study theoretical framework comprised of Grameen Theory, Credit Rationing Theory and Financial Intermediation Theory. Research methodology comprised of a descriptive research approach, a target population of 3000 SME owners in Mombasa County from which a study sample of 300 SME owners was selected forming a 10% representation. Data was collected primarily using questionnaires which were then tested for reliability and validity before a full scale was done. Data obtained was subjected to diagnostic tests to check collinearity, linearity and significance. Inferential and descriptive statistics was used to analyse the variable relationships aide by SPSS. The study established; a weak positive relationship between financial access and financial performance of SMEs in Mombasa County, the effect of financial access was attributed to accessibility of commercial banks and mobile banking that are more convenient to SME owners; a weak positive relationship between financial quality and financial performance of SMEs in Mombasa, the impact of financial quality was ascribed to adaptability in credit reimbursement period and protection of advance in order to limit defaulting; a weak positive relationship between financial use and financial performance of SMEs in Mombasa, the effect of financial use was ascribed to appropriate usage of assets for organizations and infusing of individual budgets to help business and a positive relationship between service delivery and financial performance of SMEs in Mombasa, the influence of financial use was attributed to good preparation of financial institutions and their intermediaries to serve the SMEs and special service line to help SMEs overcome challenges. The conclusion reached by the study was that; financial inclusion, significantly influence the financial performance of small and medium enterprises in Mombasa County. The measures recommended by this study include; training of SMEs on use of mobile banking application as many were found to borrow from multiple applications and failed to payback; an action that affected their credit rating. SME owners also need to be trained on the importance of recording their transactions so they can track all income and expenses. This study recommends for another study to be done on SMEs once the economy fully recovers to test if a stronger relationship will be obtained. Furthermore, the study was done in Mombasa County which is a financial hub for the region, also, subsequently there is need for a study to be conducted in different counties like Kilifi and Kwale to make a comparison if similar results can be obtained.

service design and delivery of four- and fivestar hotels in nairobi, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: education
Author: ogola dennis o

The study sought to determine the service design implemented by the four and five-hotels in Nairobi, Kenya and to establish the relationship between the service design and delivery in the four- and five-star hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. Relevant empirical studies were reviewed to inform the conceptual framework. The study adopted cross-sectional descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 34 four- and five-star hotels in Nairobi and census was used. Primary data was gathered with aid of the questionnaire and the analysis was done through SPSS by means and standard deviations and regression analysis and presented through Tables. It was noted that service design had been implemented in the studied hotels where service concept (β=0.412) had the largest effect on service delivery followed by service delivery design to customer needs (β=0.280), delivery systems (β=0.255) and then service encounters (β=0.181). The study concludes that implementation of this service design had positively contributed towards service delivery of these hotels. In particular, service concept had the largest effect on service delivery followed by service delivery design to customer needs, delivery systems and then service encounters. The study recommends that the human resource managers in four and five-hotels in Nairobi, Kenya should have in place customer and service delivery training for employees to enhance their customer service and care skills. The operation managers working in four and five-hotels in Nairobi need to enhance the service delivery landscapes including the enhancement of the delivery systems.

influence of task-based approach on students’ english listening and speaking skills in public secondary schools in busia subcounty, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: education
Author: wakasiaka dennis n

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of task-based instruction on students’ English listening and speaking skills among public secondary schools in Busia sub-county, Kenya. The fundamental objectives were to: analyze the influence of group discussions on students' English listening and speaking skills in public secondary schools in Busia sub-county, establish impact of role-play on students' English listening and speaking skills, establish impact of brainstorming on students' English listening and speaking skills, and to lay out the impact of problem solving on students' English listening and speaking abilities in public secondary schools in Busia sub-County. The review was directed by hypothesis of Second Language Learning- Language theory. A clear review configuration was utilized to convey the research since it empowered the scientist to choose gatherings who are unique yet explore them at one moment. A pilot study was led to approve the exploration instruments before the examination started. The review utilized two example t-test to lay out the unwavering quality of the exploration instruments, which had an importance level of 0.05. The review populace was 2,315 respondents out of which an example size of 175 respondents were gotten basing on Yamane (1967). Information was gathered by the utilization of surveys and interview. Information was dissected utilizing unmistakable insights like frequencies, rates and means. Quantitative information was summed up to evaluate the strength of the connection between the factors. The researcher led a various straight relapse examination to lay out the connection among free and subordinate factors. The outcomes were introduced in tables, diagrams and pie graphs. Findings of the study reveals that Group discussion was able to predict 0.632 (63.2%) of the variation in English listening and speaking skills, Role play was able to predict 0.550 (55%) of the variation in English listening and speaking skills. Brainstorming was able to predict 0.580 (58%) of the variation in English listening and speaking skills and Problem solving was able to predict 0.343 (34.3%) of the variation in English listening and speaking skills. Based on the study findings, this study concludes and recommends that the policy makers should ensure that the group discussion is included in English course books when reviewing the curriculum as they can enhance learners’ speaking skills, the School administrators of English programs and subject teachers should suggest books that emphasize and stress on speaking through role play activities, the teachers of English should create a conducive environment for learners and encourage shy students to participate xii in speaking by using task-based instruction activities through brainstorming and problem solving skills.

industry 4.0 technology and competitiveness of large manufacturing firms in nairobi, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: supply chain
Author: koech dennis
stakeholder participation and performance of community water borehole projects in kibra sub-county in nairobi county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: project planning
Author: nyambati, denis o

countries have faced a number of difficulties. Experience has shown that when donors withdraw its support, particularly financial support, community water borehole initiatives typically don't function well and don't continue. Stakeholder participation strategies used correctly will increase the likelihood that projects will succeed by staying on budget, on time, and with outstanding results. Thus,itheipurposeiofithisistudyiwasitoiinvestigate how stakeholder participation influences community water borehole initiatives in Kenya's Kibra Sub-County. The following objectives served as a guide for the study: to determine the impact of stakeholder resource mobilization, stakeholder monitoring and evaluation, and stakeholder planning programs on theiperformanceioficommunityiwateriboreholeiprojects in Kenya'siKibraiSub-County.iTheistudyiutilizediaicross-sectionalisurveyidesign. The unit of analysisiconsistediofi33icommunityiwateriboreholeiprojectsithatiwere completediinithei2011 to 2021 financial years. The target population of 395 composed of representatives of borehole management committee, Nairobi County Water and Sewerage Company officials, community leaders chosen from the Nyumba kumi initiatives, NGOs, and development partners involved in water projects in Kibra Sub-County. Aisampleiofi106irespondentsiwasiused. The study employeditheistratifiedirandomisamplingitechniqueitoichooseitheisample members. The studyiusediself-administerediquestionnairesitoigatheriprimaryidata.iDataianalysis was done with SPSS Version 25.0. For all the quantitative data, descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentages, mean scores, and standard deviations, were computed whereas inferential statistics was used to confirm any significant relationships. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data from the open-ended questions. The research found that it was not certain whether the Nairobi county water and sewerage company officials mobilizes resources for community water borehole projects and that NGOs and development partners’ officials mobilize for resources community water borehole projects. Theistudyifound that majorityiofitheistakeholdersiwereisomewhatiinvolvediinitheimonitoringiandievaluation for theicommunityiwateriboreholeiprojectsiiniKibraiSub-County.iTheistudy concluded that stakeholderiplanningiprogramsihaditheigreatestiinfluenceioniperformanceiof community wateriboreholeiprojectsiiniKibraisub-county,iNairobiiCounty,iKenya, followed by stakeholderimonitoringiandievaluation,iandithenistakeholderiresourceimobilizationihad the leastiinfluenceioniperformanceioficommunityiwateriboreholeiprojectsiiniKibraisub-county, NairobiiCounty,iKenya.iTheistudyirecommendsithatitheilocalicommunity should be mobilizedisoiasitoibuildianiinterestiiniparticipatingiduringiprojectiplanning activities. The projectileadersishouldialsoibeitransparentiinitheiridealingsiwithitheimembers of the communityiandicalliforiregularimeetingsiwhereitheiprojectibeneficiariesiareibriefedion the sustainabilityieffortsiandichallengesiahead.iTheistudyialsoirecommendsithatithereiis need for theicommunityitoibeiinvolvediinimonitoringiandievaluationiofitheiprojects. This can be by ensuringithatitheicommunityimembersiareiincludediiniprojectiprogress briefs and maintaining feedback lines (reports, social audits).

exchange rates and the volume of imports in kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: economics
Author: nyakundi deborah

Finding out how Kenya's trade level and system from the perspective interact was the study's main goal. The investigation particularly examined the connection test of exchange rate and import volume in Kenya so that to examine the effects of intervening variables including domestic income, terms of trade, and pricing, as well as to offer policy concerns for those variables. The secondary data collected for the study spans the years 1980 through 2020. The UN published directory, IFS, KNBS, global development indicators and the IMF which provided the data for the study. The study used time series analysis (KNBS). The investigation results demonstrated that the exchange rate affected Kenya's import volume. As the value of Kenyan shillings comparative to the US dollar rises, so does the volume of imports. The ability of local businesses to purchase items from other nations is implied by a growth in the value of the shilling. In contrast, a decline in the worth of the shilling results in a decrease in the volume of imports as local businesses lose their ability to finance the importation of goods into the nation. According to the study, terms of trade and GDP had an impact on the connection between Kenya's import volume and the exchange rate. When the terms of trade are advantageous, imports increase. Conversely, when the conditions of trade worsen, export quantities decline and the value of Kenyan Shillings falls. A rising GDP indicates a strong Kenyan shilling in relation to the US dollar, which causes imports to rise. As a result, while creating decisions and policies, it is important to take into account both the GDP and terms of trade give the link between the exchange rate and the volume of imports. Kenya was therefore recommended to decrease its imports while raising its exports by depreciating its currency. Due to the deflation of the domestic currency and the increasing competitiveness of Kenyan goods on international markets, the amount of imports would decline. Export growth will support the development of the nation's economy. Therefore, in order to raise inflation in the country, the rate of currency devaluation should be maintained. The research also recommended that Kenya's government bargain for improved terms of trade for our agricultural products with both present and potential new markets. The Kenyan government has to reopen markets for our items like khat and increase exports of goods with value addition. The increase in Kenya's exchange rate should be adopted as a instrument to improve trade agreements and, as a result, promote exports.

the effect of capital structure on the profitability of non-financial firms listed at the nairobi securities exchange
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: finance
Author: monito deborah j m

Listed non-financial companies are essential to a nation's economic development and prosperity. The expansion of an area's economy will be constrained by the absence of a vibrant non-financial sector. Companies in the sector will profit more from having an optimum and advantageous capital structure, including cost savings. The study's goal was to investigate the relationship between publicly traded non-financial firms' capital structures and their financial performance. The study's dependent variable was ROA, which is determined by dividing net income by total assets. Leverage was determined using the debt ratio. The natural log of all the assets was used to calculate size. Liquidity was assessed using the current asset to current liability ratio. Operating costs are compared to gross revenue to measure efficiency. The research concentrated on 40 non-financial companies listed on the NSE. Annual secondary data collection occurred for five years (January 2017 to December 2021). A descriptive design was used to analyze the study's factors. The analysis was carried out using SPSS software. The profitability of the NSE listed non-financial firms was positively and statistically significantly impacted by firm size and liquidity, whereas the profitability was negatively and statistically significantly impacted by capital structure. The report exhorts listed non-financial enterprises to strive for the greatest possible capital structure, improve liquidity, and increase efficiency because these qualities have a major impact on profitability.

effect of digitalization on firm revenue growth in kenya
Level: university
Type: general
Subject: economics
Author: siololo david l

Due to the availability of rapid and affordable communication between vendors, buyers, investors, and advertisements everywhere in the world, digital operations have completely changed the commercial sector. However, because many businesses are unaware of the potential of their digital power, there is a digital gap between consumers and retailers. This disconnect between customer expectations and retail offerings puts physical retailers' ability to make money from online sales at considerable risk, as well as their ability to respond to and predict customers' shopping habits. The study sought to determine how digitization has affected Kenyan corporate revenue growth. The specific aims were evaluating how website usage affects revenue growth of a firm in Kenya, the impact of internet usage on firm revenue growth in Kenya, and the Technology Acceptance Model guided the impact of mobile money usage on firm revenue growth in Kenya. The paper. The research used secondary panel data for 168 firms extracted from World Bank Enterprise Survey reports for two periods (2013 and 2018). The data was analyzed using panel regression procedures. The results showed that website usage had a positive and significant impact on Kenyan business revenue growth. The use of mobile money and the internet was also found to have a positive but negligible impact on Kenyan business income growth. The results further demonstrated that firm age and size had a positive impact on firm revenue growth in Kenya, more so the impact was also significant. Further findings showed that area, industry, and managerial experience all contributed positively but insignificantly to the rise of the firm's revenue in Kenya. According to the study, the use of websites in Kenya increased corporate revenue in a good and significant way. The study recommends that firms without websites should invest in developing company websites that will attract more business thus enhancing revenue growth. Firms with websites should invest in further improvement of the websites to incorporate changes within the firm or from external market. Firms should invest in digital oriented personnel to help in capitalizing on the gains of digitalization. The government of Kenya should review policies on digitalization aimed at making them friendly to firms. The government through relevant ministries should develop programs aimed at training firms on the importance of digitalization.

influence of communication strategies on public participation in makueni county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: communication studies
Author: waitere daniel

One of the counties in Kenya, and probably all of Africa, with the strongest public involvement framework, is Makueni County. To ensure that the public is sufficiently involved in county development goals, the World Bank has advised other County Governments in Kenya to adopt the approach. However, according to the county officials in charge of public participation in the county, little study has been done to look at how public engagement is affected by communication tactics. This study sought to examine the influence of communication strategies in enhancing public participation. Makueni County Government has adopted the framework for public participation; however, there is limited information on how that framework has impacted the implementation of the county development agenda. Specifically, to; assess the influence of audience representation, communication content control, and communication feedback mechanisms in enhancing public participation on the county development agenda. The study was anchored on the communicative planning theory and employed a cross-sectional approach using a descriptive survey design. The target population for this study comprised county officials leading the implementation of the county development agenda, the county communication department, and local community members in Makueni County. Stratified sampling techniques were employed to select respondents from among the population where a total of 100 respondents were sampled. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview schedules, and focus group discussions. To analyze quantitative data, frequency distribution tables, percentages and frequencies were used. The findings indicated that the main modes of communication are arranged meetings, public notices, posters, print media, provincial administration, radio stations, brochures and flyers, and the public address system. To avoid content distortion there is a clear work structure on who will handle such information, how it will reach the target, and where and when it will be shared. Feedback is achieved through development committees, representatives, emails and replies back, and the use of bulk SMS on the venue and activities. Lack of political goodwill from some departments, thus bypassing the development committees and giving into the field, role conflict among employees, little or sometimes no facilitation, and allowances for public participation programs make it difficult for the involved promoters and political influence are among the challenges facing promotion of public participation. The is a need to enhance, strengthen and increase communication channels and structures to allow every member of the society to acquire information regarding county public participation programmes and contribute to the county development particularly to those community members leaving in remote areas. Budgetary allocations for facilitating public participation ought to be set aside and an increase in the amount to ensure that all possible channels of communication are utilized to enhance attendance in public participation through the provision of allowance (food and transport) and other forms of incentives to facilitate the meetings. Stakeholders should be engaged at all stages of service delivery to ensure that public participation evokes the desired impact and to continuously monitor communication to ensure that communication is always guided, and timely. Civic education on related projects should be timely and properly conducted to ensure that citizens acquaint themselves with relevant technical knowledge before their opinion is sought.




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