factors associated with increase of caesarean section delivery at mubende regional referral hospital in mubende district


Introduction: In recent years, the number of C-section deliveries has been increasing in developed and developing countries. The worldwide increase in C-section has become a major public health issue due to potential maternal and perinatal risks, inequality of access and cost involved (Abebe, 2016). Purpose of the study: The major objective of the study was to determine the factors associated with increase of caesarean section deliveries at General Military Hospital-Bombo in Luwero district. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 30 clients attending General Military Hospital-Bombo. A random sampling method was used to select the respondents. A quantitative method of data collection was used which employed a pretested self-administered questionnaire with multi-choice questions. Data was collected for 10 days and analyzed using Microsoft word and excel and was represented in form of frequency tables, charts and graphs. Results: The study results showed that majority (60%) of the respondents were aged between 35-44 years. Majority (50%) of the respondents had one pregnancy and minority (10%) had 4-5 pregnancies. Majority (70%) of the respondents were married. (60%) of respondents had secondary level. Majority (50%) of the respondents were business women. Majority (50%) of the respondents had one caesarean section delivery. (60%) of the respondents had obstetrical reasons and minority (40%) had medical reasons for having caesarean section deliveries. Conclusions: Age, parity, marital status, maternal occupation, income status, education, number of caesarean section deliveries done, obstetrical and medical conditions were the major contributing factors to the increase of caesarean section deliveries.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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