a report on health services management practicum conducted at wattuba hc iii, wakiso district


Introduction: This report is about health service management attachment carried out at Watuba H/C III Activities: There are a variety of services that wattuba health centre III offers and I participated in a number of them that is to say, immunization outreaches and static, Antenatal services for pregnant women , Deliveries, ART clinic clerkship ,Cervical cancer screening, Drug store management, family planning and waste management Challenges faced in the field: The burden and hectic process of getting allowed to start working was really unfair. Small working space since different departments share the same small space for example ART, immunization and TB clinic which makes it difficult to accommodate practicing students , health workers and patients. Shortage of medical supplies while at the facility which hindered effective heath service delivery to patients .High rigidity to changes by health workers /staffs and hunger since there was nothing to eat while on duty throughout and financial constraints Conclusion: The attachment at wattuba H/CIII was so beneficial to me despite the circumstances encountered Recommandation: I would recommend the health facility to create more space so as to allow more students practice .I would also recommend the school to carryout more supervision of students while practicing and also the school should help students in getting places of attachment because it requires a long process and its costly as well


Level: diploma

Type: reports

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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