a report on field attachement /intrenship at lira city west division from 26th june to 18th august 2023


This internship report was conducted in Lira City west Davison Ojwina from 26th June to 18th August 2023. It contains four chapters where chapter one is the introduction, chapter two is methodology, chapter three good practices and challenges encountered and chapter four is the conclusion and recommendations. Chapter one involves the introduction, the agency’s name , History , vision, mission, mandate, core values, goals, objectives, activities or services it offers, agency structure and other relevant information. Chapter two focuses on methodology and detailed record of work that is activities and tasks I carried out and their goals and objectives, methods used in execution of tasks, methods used to study organization issues, other important information and conclusion. Chapter three contains good practices and challenges encountered during the internship the terms of technical, practical, financial, social or moral challenges and conclusions. Chapter four presents the conclusion and recommendations to the agency and to the department of sociology and Anthropology of Makerere University.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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