year three industrial training report submitted in partiall fulfillment of the requirement for the award of bachelor’s in agricultural engineering


This is an industrial training report that shows proof of the different activities that I was involved in during my training I was able to do my industrial training 11 at Nalweyo Seed Company 1996 (LTD) (NASECO) from the 18th June 2023 to 20th August 2023. At the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in department of Agricultural and bio-systems engineering in Makerere University, Industrial Training is a major requirement as a partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural engineering. This report presents detailed information about the theoretical and practical aspects of line workshop work that I did during my internship training with Nalweyo Seed Company 1996 (LTD) (NASECO). The information in here regards mostly the concepts under the line of workshop department at NASECO. This report contains the basics of metal welding and fabrication, machinery repair and maintenances, post-harvest handling activities, research on moisture content of seeds, tests for seed viability, tractor driving and its related operations. Chapter one presents an introduction including objectives of industrial training. Chapter two presents literature review. This includes tools used in the different activities. Their importance has been clearly laid out. Chapter three presents Methodology which explains the practical work done in the different activities, illustrations of my personal involvement in the practical work. Chapter four brings out the observations, challenges faced during the training, recommendations and conclusion of the report. Chapter five brings out the references of the sources where I obtained some of the information that I used to build up thus report.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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