sales management practices and competitive advantage of large media houses in nairobi city, kenya


Media houses play a critical role in the communication industry providing information, entertainment, feedback and educative forums impacting national development, social communism and policing government projects. Media houses play a critical role in the communication industry providing information, entertainment, feedback and educative forums impacting national development, social communism and policing government projects.The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship between sales management practices and competitive advantage of large Media Houses in Nairobi City, Kenya. This study was based on two theories, push and pull theory and resource-based theory. The target population of the study was50 large media houses. Sales planning had a significant impact on sales management practices at moderate extent while Sales implementation and evaluation was at great extent. The study established a positive relationship between competitive advantage and sales management practices. The study concludes that there is a significant association existing between les planning, sales implementation and sales evaluation and competitive advantage hence the model of research is significant. The study recommends that the industry maps out specifically what aspects of sales management strategies are relevant to their industry and invest heavily into those aspects so as to see tangible improvement in their performance.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: olivia rose


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