determine coverage, knowledge on immunization, immunizable diseases and attitudes of mothers towards immunization of children under five in agik-dak sub county amolatar district


Background: Research has shown that immunization has played an important role in reducing the burden of immunizeable diseases among children under five worldwide. Examples, measles, tetanus, pneumonia, polio, etc. which has contributed to high mortality rate among children under five. The study therefore, seeks to determine the coverage, knowledge of mothers on immunization, immunizeable disease and attitudes of mothers‟ on immunization. Methodology: A cross sectional study was used to collect data from mothers of children under five years. Villages were selected using stratified sampling from the parish, followed by simple random method. List of households with mothers of children under five were drawn from the selected villages and 200 mothers were selected for the study. Data was collected through face to face interviews using a pre-tested structured questionnaires, the data was coded and entered using the EpiData software and analyzed using the STATA. The data then presented using simple graphics analysis (bar graphs and tables), expressed in percentages and proportions. Univariate analysis and descriptive statistical methods was used to describe all variables used to determine the coverage, knowledge and attitudes of mothers on immunization. Results: In the study, the coverage recorded were; 100% (200/200) BCG, 81% (162/200) polio, 76% (152/200) DPT, 74% (148/200) Measles, and 60% (120/200) PCV10 vaccines. Mothers knowledge; 99.5% (199/200) stated that immunization is important and protect children against diseases, 87% (174/200) knew the time to begin child immunization, 69 % (138/200) said there is vaccine side effects, 67% (134/200) said fever being the most common side effect, 89% (178/200) said that, they managed side effects by bathing children using cold water, 60% (120/200) said that they received immunization information from VHTs and 62.5% (125/200) said health workers doesn‟t conduct health education. Diseases known by most mothers were: Measles; 89% (178/200), Tetanus; 82.5% (164/200) and Polio; 78.5% (157/200). Mothers‟ attitudes; 99% (198/200) responded that vaccine is safe, and 93.5% (187/200) mentioned that vaccine side effect can‟t stop them from taking children for immunization. Conclusion: The immunization coverage in Agik-dak Sub County is low. However, mothers have adequate knowledge and good attitudes towards childhood immunization. Therefore, there is need to increase awareness on the importance of immunization services to mothers by involving village health team and conducting health education by health workers.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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