effects of technology adoption on sme's performance during covid-19 pandemic: a case study of buloba, wakiso - uganda


The study examined the effects of technology adoption on SME performance in Buloba, Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the use of technology adoption to increase productivity and stay competitive was one of the problems tackled. The study was carried out with three major objectives which included determining whether technology was perceived as useful, and easy to use and the attitude applied towards using it on SME performance in Buloba, Uganda during covid-19. The study adopted a descriptive survey design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. In this study, the target population was 98, where a sample size of 79 respondents was drawn using random sampling techniques and purposive respectively. Questionnaires and interviews and analysis were done using Statistical Package for Social Science (Regression analysis and Spearman rank correlation were used). Descriptive statistics were used. Qualitative analysis was done using content and thematic analysis. The Results show that the regression model was not the best fit for predicting the effect of the Perceived usefulness of technology on the performance of SMEs (F=.387, P=0.536), Using the correlation model, the result indicated that the coefficient was .106 and p=0.000 <0.05. It was observed that there was no positive significant impact and a weak/small positive relationship between the Perceived usefulness of technology on the performance of SMEs in Buloba. The results displayed that the regression model was not the best fit for predicting the effect of perceived ease of use of technology on the performance of SMEs (F=0.456, P=0.501), Using correlation, the coefficient was .064and p=0.000 <0.05. It was observed that there was no positive significant impact and a very weak/small positive relationship between the perceived ease of use of technology and the performance of SMEs in Buloba. The study showed that the regression model was not the best fit for predicting the effect of attitude towards the use of technology on the performance of SMEs (F=3.747, P=0.057). Using correlation, the coefficient was .279*and p=0.000 <0.05. It was observed that there was no positive significant impact and a moderate positive relationship between attitude towards the use of technology and the performance of SMEs in Buloba. It was concluded that there was a lack of access to the internet and low skills in how to use effectively technological tools purposely for business, it was recommended that the Government of Uganda should create some short- and long-term educational training and seminars to help small businesses stay competitive in this fast-changing world with fast technology.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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