financial ability, production facilities, quality commitment and organizational performance: a case study of hoima sugar limited


The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between financial ability, production facilities, quality commitment and organizational performance with the case study being Hoima Sugar Ltd (HSL) with the aim of making recommendations and conclusions. The study was guided by objectives specifically to examine the relationship between supplier evaluation and organization performance, the criteria used for evaluating and the benefits of supplier evaluation. The study involved secondary sources of data where the researcher related his work with the different author publications and make conclusions based on them. The study was conducted where all the employees of the Procurement and Deposal Unit (PDU) and some selected staff from other departments were issued questionnaires to be filled and analyzed for findings together with interviews as the primary source of data. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The study used a case study design to get an estimation of respondents view in regard to the objectives of the study. The target population was the staff of Hoima Sugar Ltd though major focus was the Procurement and Deposal Unit. The study therefore used a population of 73 respondents. It employed random sampling method to avoid biasness in data presentation. Due to time constraint, the researcher only used questionnaire and interview methods to gather primary data which was analyzed ethically after collection by use of frequency tables and percentages. In the research, further study is also suggested for the betterment of the relationship between financial ability, production facilities, and quality commitment and organization performance.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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