This book introduces the controversy over intelligent Design; introducing some closely related views, such as creationism, theistic evolutionism and naturalistic evolutionism. It deals with the relationship of African jurisprudence and the natural sciences as a complex and controversial issue, it introduces many basic concepts used in the African context and African science discussion, and shows how my own approach of the intelligent design debate builds on these. It analyses the basic ideas and logic of design arguments, as well as setting the stage for further analysis and explores the philosophical and Africanised questions raised by the previous authors, with particular focus ion analysing critiques of “designer of the gaps” and “naturalism of the gaps arguments.” It focuses further on the intensions between ID and African theistic evolutionism and further analyses the discussion surrounding the problem of natural evil and design arguments it summarizes the philosophical basis of the fine-tuning argument or the problem of natural evil. However, my purpose is into to provide the deepest analysis of fine-tuning or the problem of natural evil to date, but rather to provide an analysis of the intelligent design movement’s particular design arguments and the structure of thought which underlies them in the African way. For this purpose, it is necessary to examine this design argument from a variety of angles, this will make it impossible to see anew connections and intensions that have into been clear in previous researchers.
Level: e
Type: text books
Year: 2021
Institution: Uganda Christian University
Contributed by: ipskadmin
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