The1 ability of a project to achieve1 its1 goal(s) through competent management, strong governance, and a constant rededication to attaining results1 is1 referred to as1 project performance. The1 building industry in Kenya is1 a competitive1 one, and as1 a result, quality is1 extremely important. TQM is1 used by businesses1 to obtain a competitive1 edge1 in terms1 of productivity and customer satisfaction. Therefore, the1 study aimed to investigate1 the1 influence1 of total quality management practices1 on performance1 of commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County, Kenya. The1 study looked at the1 influence1 of customer focus, mutual supplier relation, total employee1 commitment, and fact-based decision-making on the1 performance1 of commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County. This1 study was1 hinged on Deming's1 theory, Crosby's1 theory, and resource-based view theory. The1 researcher employed a descriptive1 research design. The1 population targeted was1 the1 commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County. The1 unit of observation was1 the1 6 National Construction Authority senior managers, 13 Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure1 Housing, Urban Development and Public Works1 officials, 147 managers1 and 382 supervisors1 of commercial building construction projects. The1 sample1 size1 of 231 was1 attained using Stratified random sampling method. To collect primary data, self-administered questionnaires1 were1 used. The1 content validity of the1 questionnaire1 was1 established in order to evaluate1 the1 responses. Reliability was1 assessed using the1 Cronbach Alpha. Data obtained in the1 field was1 filtered, processed, and cleaned in accordance1 with the1 study's1 goals. The1 data was1 then coded, placed into statistics1 software, and examined (SPSS, Version 25.0). Descriptive1 statistics1 was1 applied in analyzing quantitative1 data. Percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviation were1 all calculated. Inferential data was1 analyzed with the1 use1 of multiple1 regression analysis. Frequency tables1 were1 used to present the1 results. The1 study found that the1 project spent time1 and money educating customers1 about its1 new offerings. The1 research also found that payments1 to suppliers1 were1 not made1 on time. The1 research found that it was1 not certain whether employees1 were1 more1 concerned with product quality than with yields1 and if employees1 learned quality-related concepts1 and skills. The1 research found that they frequently delegated the1 task of critiquing each decision to one1 member of the1 decision-making team in order to examine1 its1 merits. The1 study concluded that fact-based decision-making (r=0.818, p=0.033<0.05) had the1 greatest influence1 on the1 performance1 of commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County, followed by customer focus(r=0.787, p=0.002<0.05), then total employee1 commitment (r=0.738, p=0.012<0.05) while1 mutual supplier relation (r=0.599, p=0.038<0.05) had the1 least influence1 on the1 performance1 of commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County. The1 study recommends1 that employees1 in the1 commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County should be1 responsible1 for actively supporting the1 adoption of the1 TQM accepted practices1 on performance. The1 study also recommends1 that commercial building construction projects1 in Nairobi County ought to concentrate1 the1 wants1 and expectations1 of their customers, give1 personalized and quality customer experience, deliver the1 appropriate1 services1 at the1 appropriate1 times1 with an emphasis1 on fostering positive1 customer relationships.
Level: post-graduate
Type: general
Year: 2022
Institution: University of Nairobi
Contributed by: zemuhindi
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