grand development projects and regional conflicts in the 21st century africa: case of the nile basin


This study sought to make a critical analysis of the relationship between grand development projects and regional conflicts in the 21st century Africa: case of the Nile basin. The study asked these questions; what are the implications of Grand Development projects and regional relations in the 21st century? To what extent has the Grand National Development projects impacted in the regional conflict in the Nile Basin? What is the impact of the Grand National projects on Ethiopia- Egypt relations? The objectives of the study included; to assess the implications of Grand Development Projects on Regional relations in the 21st Century. To evaluate the impact of Grand National Development projects and Regional Conflict in the Nile Basin. To critically examine the impact of Grand National Development projects on Ethiopia-Egypt Relations. The study was anchored on Liberal institutionalism theory whose main argument was that it’s difficult for states to manage shared resources without having international institutions which are empowered and they guide the behaviors of the individual states when it comes to matters of regional relations and utilization of shared resources. The study relied on both the primary sources of data collection which was mainly the use of the Interview guide and the secondary sources of data collection which were books journal articles, publications as well as other documentaries. The study found out that although the Nile Basin region is endowed with a lot of resources, the state of instability and conflicts continues to undermine its growth and development, that Grand National development projects has had a negative impact on Africa’s regional relations. That Grand National Development programs has strained the Egypt Ethiopian relations. Based on these findings, the study concluded that Grand Development projects has had a great influence of African regional relations, that Grand National Development projects has negatively impacted on regional conflicts. And that Grad Development projects has negatively impacted on the state of Ethiopia Egypt relations. The study recommends that More conferences, meetings and negotiations between the concerned states should be encouraged to enable the states in question to arrive at a consensus, the Nile Basin region should consider setting up of regional body with strong regional institutions to manage the utilization of the Nile waters, that non-member states should keep off from meddling the affairs of the Nile Basin region, That experts drawn from member states should be hired so as to advise these countries on how best to secure the regional interests without compromising on national inters. Finally, the study recommends the revival of the Pan Africanist spirit among the citizens of the Nile Basin region. This will enable them to look at each other as brothers and sisters as opposed to enemies and rivals.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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