strategic planning and internet adoption to identify counterfeit products and enhance performance of manufacturing firms in nairobi, kenya


This study examined strategic planning and internet influence in the detection of counterfeited products to enhance performance of firms. The findings from the study may help in confirming the need for the inclusion of strategic planning in countering counterfeits in manufacturing firms. The study attempted to answer if the adoption of strategic planning and internet adoption enable detection of counterfeit products and enhance performance. Two theories formed the basis of the study namely, profit maximization and Survival based theory. The research methodology employed was descriptive survey design and the findings were employed using graphs and tables. The data collection methods used was questionnaires which yielded a 100% response rate. The findings show that manufacturing companies engaged strategic planning and the internet adoption and this enhanced performance through detection of counterfeited products. The study recommended the use of strategic planning and the internet to detect counterfeit products and enhance the performance of manufacturing firms. Future studies should focus on advanced technologies in other countries apart from Kenya and other strategic management practices that will enhance countering counterfeits, for comparison purposes.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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