the impact of information communication technology on the conduct of international relations among states: case study of kenya


The reason for this examination was completed to explore how the conduct of international relations among states is impacted by the information communication technology, with focus on the republic of Kenya. The particular destinations of the investigation were; to decide how the Information Communication Technology has changed the direct of global relations among states, to decide viability of leading worldwide relations through ICT among states and to investigate the impact of ICT on direct global relations among states. The investigation utilized a distinct review configuration combined with content examination. The plan was advantageous as it guaranteed that the issues under investigation were comprehensively dissected. The investigation utilized purposive straightforward irregular examination. This guaranteed that all the workers in every division had equivalent possibility of being chosen to partake in the investigation henceforth diminishing testing blunder. A sample size of 80 staffs was recognized to take an interest in the examination. The examination utilized questionnaire to gather information. Information gathered was coded, scored and entered into a computer utilizing the software known as statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Quantitative information was investigated utilizing tables, figures and charts. ICT were discovered to be positive related with global relations subsequently the examination reasons that ICT contributes towards lead of worldwide relations. In addition, how ICT impacts were distinguished as web-based media stages, for example, twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, thus it contributes towards lead of worldwide relations. Viability was discovered to be positive and proficient; this induces that state ICT is a significant factor that contributes towards lead of global relations, Case Study of Kenya. The investigation suggests that different states ought to guarantee reception of ICT, as these are probably going to impact lead of worldwide relations between states. As the examination discoveries indicated that lead of worldwide relations relates decidedly with ICT, the legislature ought to give an empowering ground to ICT selection as it influences direct of global relations. The investigation suggests that Kenya should grasp new ICT gauges and authorize laws that favor innovation.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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