impression management strategies and performance of online businesses in nairobi city, kenya


This research investigates how impression management strategies impact the performance of online businesses in Nairobi. Various impression management strategies are canvassed by various scholars in general terms. The study is anchored in the impression management theory and the social capital theory. The broad categorizations of impression management strategies, namely, self-promotion, exemplification, intimidation, ingratiation and supplication were explored in terms of their applicability to the organizational environment. Of these, intimidation, self-promotion, and supplication were specifically investigated. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed in order to minimize any mediating or moderating factors arising from the dynamic online environment. The Facebook profiles of 30 online businesses that are registered in Nairobi were studied. The study established very weak correlation between impression management strategies and performance of online businesses. The study recommends further research in the correlations between various variables in online businesses. Particularly, there is need to explore the relationship between member subscriptions and both positive and negative feedback to business posts.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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