determinants of implementation of donor support transport and infrastructure projects in kenya: a case of kenya national highways authority


Globally, transport and infrastructure development are significant in establishing the whole development and productivity of a nation’s economy. Investments that are focused on constructing advanced infrastructure act as main catalyst in attracting investors both local and foreign. The development assistance was at US$100 billion by 2011 globally. Despite the large volume of development help, development projects and programs funded by donors continue to experience some problems that threaten the attainment of intended objectives. The problems of development projects are that they are neither efficient nor effective and do not support the ownership of the development process by the receiving countries. Donor funded transport and infrastructure support projects in Kenya are facing problems of delays in their life cycle of implementation therefore not successfully completed. The study objective was to investigate the determinants of implementation of donor support transport and infrastructure projects in Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to determine the influence of project planning, conditions imposed by donors, procurement related factors and stakeholders’ involvement on implementation of donor support transport and infrastructure projects in Kenya. This study was anchored on theory of constraints. The study used a descriptive survey research design. The study population consisted of 142 members of staff in different managerial levels who work under Kenya National Highways Authority. The census technique was used to select 142 respondents. Collected data was the primary data using questionnaires. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data. Tables were used to display the information. Data obtained from open ended questions were analysed using the content analysis method. The Pearson correlation was used to find out the strength of the link between the predictor and response variables. Multiple regressions were used determine the determinants of implementation of donor support transport and infrastructure projects in Kenya. The study found that project planning, conditions imposed by donors, procurement related factors and stakeholder’s involvement had a positive influence on implementation of donor support transport and infrastructure projects. The study recommends that project managers should a holistic plan for projects. Further the project plan should be strictly adhered to. This would ensure minimal mistakes and hence success in the implementation of transport and infrastructure projects. Further, project managers should strictly adhere to conditions imposed by donors. They should also change their procurement guidelines and procedures as the procurement needs change. This would ensure effectiveness in the procurement process. Also, stakeholders should be involved in all areas in the implementation of projects. This would ensure that their opinions and suggestions are used to ensure effective implementation of transport and infrastructure projects.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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