effect credit management on organization perfromance of savings and credit cooperative organisations in narok county kenya


Due to the significant losses that financial institutions are experiencing, credit management has become more significant in recent years. Notably, the decline in loan repayment among members is the primary issue affecting SACCO's credit management. There is a high incidence of credit risk, which is evident in the SACCOs' increasing levels of non-performing loans over the past ten years, which has hurt their profitability. This trend not only jeopardizes the SACCOs' survival and viability, but also makes it more difficult for them to fulfill their original purposes of bridging the financing gap in the mainstream financial sector and extending credit to the rural unbanked population. The objective of the study is to establish the effect of credit management on organization performance of SACCOs in Narok County. The9 study9 was anchored9 on9 three9 t theories, namely, asymmetric information theory, the modern portfolio theory and the transaction cost theory. For the research, a descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The 16 SACCOs in Narok County made up the study's target population. Purposive sampling was used in this investigation. This is where the researcher selected the appropriate respondents to collect data from. The sample of the study was 32 respondents from the 16 SACCOs targeted. The study employed both descriptive and inferential analyses. While inferential analysis aims to test hypotheses, descriptive analysis's goal is to present insightful summaries of the research variables. The findings indicated that credit policy in the SACCOs is essential since they provide a framework for offering and recovering credit financing. Moreover, due to the high risk associated with lending money to the members, the findings indicated while the SACCOs offer lenient interest rates, stringent policies were found to influence loans recovery. The study found that credit terms as measured by interest rates and period of loan repayment has a positive effect on organization performance. Credit appraisals was measured in terms of client capacity, character and collateral. According to the findings, credit appraisals help the SACCOs in lowering risks. As such, the study established that risk control strategy has been implemented to mitigate such risks. From the study, it was concluded that credit management strategies significantly impacts organization performance of SACCOs in Narok County. the study recommends that the government policy makers should step in and offer subsidies to SACCOs.The study also recommends that the SASRA should readjust their frameworks and policies in consideration to the emerging issues across the world.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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