industrial training report at national housing and construction company ltd. (nhcc) from december 2022 to february 2023


The main purpose of industrial training was to expose the intern to real work of environment experience and at the same time, gain the knowledge trough hands o observation and practical job execution. the intern carried out various activities during the internship : (i) construction of wall ducts., (ii) construction of up stands in the bathrooms and kitchens., (iii) gauging of the floors, (iv) screeding of floors, (v) door finishes, (vi) placement of form work on the steel plates of the elevator. The intern gained a lot of knowledge and skills during the industrial training: - (i) exposure to the working environment, (ii) moisture mitigation-controlling water vapour in concrete floors. (iii) concrete testing knowledge, (iv) communication skills, (v) experimentation skills, (vi) observation skills, (vii) conceptualization skills, (viii interpersonal skills and working in teams. however, the intern met the following challenges during the internship, (i) adapting the working environment., (ii) language barrier, (iii) lack of water, iv) lack of building materials, (v) lack of building tools In conclusion, during my exposure in the internship, the intern was able to get several experience skills and hands on skills which will eventually help the intern when getting a job in this today world.


Level: certificate

Type: reports

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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