a practical guide to sub ict & computer studies: a complete practical guide to 0‟level, a" level & institution computer studies and ict scholars


This book covers basics of ICT like Windows and Accessories, Ms Word Processor, Ms Excel (Spread Sheets), Ms Power Point (Presentation), Ms Access(Data Bases), Ms Publisher and web Design moreover each of them having over 25 resourceful questions for reference and simplicity. In trying to write this book, I have made it so simple (Simple — Complex) bearing in mind that most learners/students have insufficient or no background knowledge about the use of computers. This book does not only predispose on the student‘s use in school but to anyone outside there that may be willing to learn how to launch and use IT basicprograms. It is however important to note that the author has carefully studied the habitual National Examination computer studies/Sub ICT syllabi and has carefully complied content and resourceful papers from resourceful heads, so interesting, and moreover comprehensible to cater for this field of teaching ICT at different levels. It is therefore important for the students and teachers to snatch themselves a copy so as to ease the teaching — learning process. This manuscript is also an inspiration from the 0‘ level and recently rationalized secondary schools A‘ level Curriculum for ICT and Sub math that affect tertiary and university entry prerequisite. It has also been an inspiration that has been as a result of constructive criticism from our fellows in the field and my own students that have driven me to come up with such organized manuscript as a need to strengthen computer skills in schools and at individual level. Compiled content herein is to guide the teacher and learner during practical based sessions and partly theory but majorly aims at equipping learners with computer skills. NB. To my fellow readers/users; I am aware of a number of ICT study pamphlets and text books and guides that have already been published and steadily supplied country wide. However, “Computer Studies/ICT Practical Guide” as a guide book has steadily and carefully been compiled and revised ‗by the teachers who have tested the hiccups in delivering of content in this noble field.


Level: senior-five

Type: text books

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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