factors influencing access to agricultural information by smallholder farmers through ict channels in deiya location kiambu county


This study was carried out to assess the influencing factors in accessing agricultural information through selected ICT channels. Systematic sampling technique was used to interview 217 sample population from Ndiuni sub location, Ndeiya Location. Structured pre-tested questionnaires were administered in a face-to-face interview. Data was collected and analysed in line with the study objectives by presentation using percentages and frequencies in tables, bar charts, graphs and pie charts. Chi-square test was employed to test for the hypothesis. The tests revealed that significant relationship exist between age and education of smallholder farmers and access to agricultural information through different ICT channels. Findings indicated that the radio was the most used channel especially by farmers above the age of 40 years and those with little formal education. This was attributed to the radio programmes being presented in Kiswahili and the local language. Television, Mobile Phones and Computers were preferred by young farmers below the age of 40 years. Despite majority of the farmers owning mobile phones, the study revealed that the channel was used mostly for chatting and money transactions as compared to searching for information. However, a few young farmers below the age of 40 years and with college and university education use the mobile phone to access agricultural information. Overall, this study established the need to create awareness and to educate farmers on the use of ICT information communication channels especially the computers. The information generated from the study will be used by information providers to make appropriate contribution to the advancement in dissemination of information to the farmers for knowledge in better farming practices. The study will enhance adoption of agricultural technologies for improved livelihoods.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013


Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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