management perception of corporate social responsibility at kenya power and lighting company


Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment that is taken up by organizations globally to contribute to the development of the economy of any country. This is done to improve the well-being of the communities around us. This study sought to find out the management perception of Corporate Social Responsibility at Kenya Power and Lighting Company. This was a descriptive study that was conducted by the use of questionnaires. Data were collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. The study targeted 53 managers from West Kenya sub-region. A response rate of 92% was achieved. The data was analyzed by the help of descriptive statistics. The study found out that the most managers had a positive perception of the various statements on Corporate Social Responsibility. The findings of the study show that philanthropic giving increases the competitive advantage of Kenya Power and that engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility by the company enhances the company’s image. The findings also show that the environmental interventions by the company be enhanced and continued as it contributed to conservation of the environment and that participation of the company in disaster situations in the country should continue. The study also showed that participation in Corporate Social Responsibility also encourages good citizenship. From the findings of the study across the various perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility, most managers to a large extent have a positive perception towards Corporate Social Responsibility statements provided in the questionnaire, with the highest perception index of 0.88 attained. Other dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibilty could be studied in public corporations. The study concludes that the perception by the managers at the company is largely positive and that it will be in the long run self-interest of the company to actively continue engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to support the community. From the study, the Key recommendations are that Kenya Power maintains Corporate Social Responsibility activities as a way of achieving long term results, business sustainability and continuity and enhancing its reputation and image. The study suggests further research to be carried out on other aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility in other parastatals and adoption of higher levels of statistical methods.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013


Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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